Hi there! My name is Beauty. I’m a 10 year old Maltese/Shih Tzu mix in excellent health. Even my teeth are in great shape.
I’m a very loving and sweet girl who loves everyone. I get along ok with dogs and cats but I have been known to be a bit of a bully if they’re in my space. I also don’t like seeing dogs on leash. I can be reactive.
I am a girl who was spoiled and could do as I please, so structure is a must especially if you have pets. I can be very manipulative with my cute face, so don’t give into me!
I’m obedient, playful, engaging and eager to please. I’m so friendly in fact that I could even be one one of those dogs who qualifies to visit people in the hospital to cheer them up.
All in all, I’m still young at heart and ready to give someone new all my love.
If you think I can charm your heart, put in your application by visiting http://www.sophiesdogadoption.com/application-forms/adoption-form/ and follow the procedure to obtain an application form.
I’m a Senior in good health who lives alone. I lost my precious Charlotte 3 months ago at the age of 14. I was devastated.
I’m quite interested in finding out about this little soul . When you say that she can be quite a bully when one invades her space, does she bite?
I have had dogs all my live and I don’t want to live without love and to me, love is a dog!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Has beauty been adopted?