I’m Canelle, a 2 year old Poodle/Maltese mix.
I’m a loving girl, weigh only 10 lbs, and very good. Fully housetrained, affectionate, playful and very smart.
I’m looking for my forever home, as I’ve already had 2 at my young age.
I’m able to stay home alone, can bark at noises, so apartment life may not be the best choice.
If you want a sweet angel like me, you have to commit for my whole life. That includes moves, change of career, kids, separation or new spouse. I’m not disposable.
So if you are ready to commit, put your application in and we’ll go from there.
To apply, visit http://www.sophiesdogadoption.com/application-forms/adoption-form/ and follow the procedure to obtain an application form.