I’m Pogo, a 4 year old standard Daschund, and unfortunately I’ve been diagnosed with a condition that is rendering me blind. It’s called SARDS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_acquired_retinal_degeneration_syndrome.
There is no cure, just getting used to being blind. It is progressing daily, unfortunately, so I will soon be totally blind.
Obviously stairs are to be avoided, not only due to my breed, but now my blindness.
I’m super friendly, great with kids and other dogs. I just need a place where I can walk around without bumping into too many things. Eventually, I’ll know my way around.
If you want to become my new family, please apply. I deserve a great home and will give you all my love in return.
To apply, visit http://www.sophiesdogadoption.com/application-forms/adoption-form/ and follow the procedure to obtain an application form.