Do you like Chihuahuas? I may be the girl for you. Here’s my story, you decide.
My name is Rhône and unfortunately, my old Mom passed away 3 months ago and I was left orphaned.
I’m 7 years old but rather chubby at 6 lbs. I was 8.8 lbs when I first arrived! You see, Mom never bought me dog food. She’s made a plate for her and one for me. I never left her side, went everywhere with her in a bag, and basically, she was my world.
She couldn’t take me for walks as she was legally blind and couldn’t go far but I would love to go walking around your neighborhood. Due to my eating habits, my teeth were not good but I had a cleaning done and only needed a couple of teeth extracted. My back legs are a bit wobbly from having been obese for so long so I’m looking for someone who will take real good care of me and keep me lean and fit. I am getting around much better now that I’ve lost weight. I can even go up the stairs like a pro and I’m loving my daily walks!
I get along fairly well with the dogs and cats in my foster home. I lived with a cat in my previous home. I do however prefer to be the main attraction. I’m a bit of a Diva you see. I am not suitable for children. I can stay home alone as long as you don’t make a big deal when you leave. If you think we could become BFFs, fill out an application and send it in. I am looking for a very mellow household with a maximum of 2 people .
To apply, visit http://www.sophiesdogadoption.com/application-forms/adoption-form/ and follow the procedure to obtain an application form.