Hello there hoomans! My name is Barney and I’m a 10 yr old Yorkie in excellent health. Even my teeth look good! I’m as sweet as I am cute and I’m a very good boy with other dogs and everyone I meet. As for cats, I would only be suitable to live with them if they are already used to dogs. I walk well on leash, I am not a barker inside nor do I bark at people or dogs I see outside but stray cats are another thing, I can stay home alone and I have absolutely no behavioural issues. I love car rides and playing with my squeaky toys. If you say the word TREAT, I’m all ears!
I used to live in a very peaceful home with an elderly lady who adored me and took pristine care of me. My new home should be one where I will be able to live out my golden years in peace and comfort. I’m used to pipi pads but only need them at night or when you leave. I will ask for the door when you’re home like a big boy. Keep in mind us older dogs need to go potty several times a day. Sometimes, I just ask for the door because I love spending time in the yard and chase squirrels. LOL! I also come with a few adorable coats and sweaters. I love getting dressed up because I know when I look extra cute.
To apply, visit http://www.sophiesdogadoption.com/application-forms/adoption-form/ and follow the procedure to obtain an application form.