I’m Spark, and I was named that by my rescuers as they could see that spark in my eyes.
I come from the streets of Lebanon where I was terribly abused as well as having had my mouth wired shut. It left a scar on my muzzle.
I’m about 2 yrs old, but act very much like a 9 month old who needs training. I needed to learn stuff like not jumping, no grabbing, no counter surfing. No using my mouth when I get excited and getting used to meeting new people in a non-threanening manner. Thanks to my foster mom, my manners are now much better.
I still need training on walks as I can be reactive at the sight of other people and dogs when on leash. Inside however, once I’m well- exercised, I am just a big old cuddle bug who wants only to please you and shower you with love.
I love to be outside despite my origins, I have learned to love this white fluffy stuff you call snow!
Ideally, I would love to live on the outskirts of the city, and a nice yard would be great. If not, be prepared to give me lots of outdoor time.
I’m good with other large dogs, so one to play with could be fun, but no kids or cats as I’m not the most gentle right now. My new home should be calm, structured and dog-savvy.
Here is what my foster mom has to say about me:
“Spark is an active dog. Very smart and a fast learner. He is full of love. He loves being cuddled but prefers playing outside. He doesn’t like to be left alone and he always wants to make sure you’re around him.
He’s fearful from cars and people he doesn’t know”.
Bonjour je cherche un chien