Meet Lilly Rose everybody! This spunky Bully girl is currently just a little over 4 months old. Here is her bio…
Lilly is still a puppy but is thriving. She looks at us with soft eyes now, happy to listen for the most part, after all she is a puppy, is doing well chewing her toys and not other things, waits to be invited on the sofa or bed, waits for her food to be placed in front of her, learning to pee outside, also learning how to understand other dogs, not being afraid of certain noise and learning the crate can be a good place to be at times.
Lilly Rose needs to continue with her training, it is crucial for her well being. She is all muscle and will grow to be over 60bls of muscle. Her walking needs to be on point.
Whoever gets this amazing girl to be part of their famiy can expect lots of cuddles and and a very playful girl. She certainly is special and will be so happy to be in her forever home.
Is Lili rose spayed?
Yes, all our dogs are sterilized before adoption.