All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier

Schubert Schubert

Post by Sophie's Dog Adoption.

I have a new name, Schubert, and am hoping for a new life. I am an 8 year old Maltese who had a horrible name, and a pretty plain life. I lived with a buddy, Snow (he was renamed too), and both of us were given up because of a “grandbaby” who would not come visit if we were still around.

So our mom and dad just give us up after all these years, our teeth were in a severe state of deterioration, having never gone to a vet since we were puppies.

Luckily I am a healthy and peppy little guy and ready to start a new family. By that, I mean find someone who wants me to be theirs for the rest of my life, and will treat me as I should when I start getting old.

I am a sweet, small and friendly Maltese, I was quite barky at my old home, but in foster care I’m learning it’s not a necessity.

I’m looking for a mellow life, not a busy household. A life where I’ll be included in outings, go for walks, meet other doggy friends, and basically chill on my bed.

Am I going to be your new best pal?

Bono @ Sophie’s Dog Adoption

My name is Bono, and I am the most wonderful shih-tzu you will ever meet. Wonderful doesn’t even begin to describe me.

I am 4 years old and came from Mexico with my family last year. However, due to a situation back home, they had to return but could unfortunately not take me back with them.

It is obvious that if they could have sent for me, they would have. I have been evaluated and turn out to be what is considered in the rescue world as a “perfect pooch”. Literally. I have been staying with a foster home who takes me to work daily in his zootherapy program, and I am a true champ at this.

I am very tolerant of all manipulations, listen extremely well, never ever had an accident in the house, not barky, not hyper, good with kids, seniors, and pretty much anyone.

I am not destructive, so could easily stay home while you work, and have basically no issues. That is why I am considered “perfect”. Wouldn’t you agree from reading my bio?

I know I will be very popular, so if you want to be first, go download the application form and return it ASAP so you can meet me and see for yourself!


My name is Bono, and I am the most wonderful shih-tzu you will ever meet. Wonderful doesn’t even begin to describe me.

I am 4 years old and came from Mexico with my family last year. However, due to a situation back home, they had to return but could unfortunately not take me back with them.

It is obvious that if they could have sent for me, they would have. I have been evaluated and turn out to be what is considered in the rescue world as a “perfect pooch”. Literally. I have been staying with a foster home who takes me to work daily in his zootherapy program, and I am a true champ at this.

I am very tolerant of all manipulations, listen extremely well, never ever had an accident in the house, not barky, not hyper, good with kids, seniors, and pretty much anyone.

I am not destructive, so could easily stay home while you work, and have basically no issues. That is why I am considered “perfect”. Wouldn’t you agree from reading my bio?

I know I will be very popular, so if you want to be first, go download the application form and return it ASAP so you can meet me and see for yourself!

Manolo @ Sophie’s Dog Adoption

Meet the stunning 8 yr old CKC registered (tattooed) Standard Poodle Manolo. Them “fancy” dogs do often in up in rescue and Manolo is no exception. Manolo is a terrific pooch that always received great care until his owner decided moving in to a high end condo was more important than keeping her dogs (there were two). Help was offered to fight this legally questionable condo rule but she turned Sophie down claiming she did not want to be a bother with the condo board and surrendered him to SDA instead. We tried. We always try. In the end, what matters is saving the dog.

So….Manolo is now looking for his second and LAST forever home. Awesome dog, extremely well trained with your basic commands and a big lover of people. Pretty clueless initially when it came to interacting around other dogs however (poor socialization) but he caught on real quick with supervised intros and training. He is extremely bright and eager to please. Zero aggression issues, excellent health aside from a fatty deposit on his leg we will have removed asap. His foster home adores him. He is simply a wonderful fellow full of love and plenty of spunk. Big fan of playing fetch.

His teeth are great by the way. He was used to having them brushed. He was groomed often as well so no problem there. He is a real softy and very easy to handle. He’s still very much in his prime at 8 yrs old and only had one owner so whoever is first to apply and be approved for him will be very lucky as we suspect he will be very popular. The standard life span for a Standard Poodle like Manolo is 12 to 15 years.

Serious adopters are invited to download the adoption request form located on our web site at
First come, first served. We only screen one adoption request at a time and place the dog on hold while that screening takes place.

He is of course neutered as all SDA dogs so FYI breeders . Montreal and area.


Post by Sophie's Dog Adoption.

My name is Manolo, I am an 8 year old Standard Poodle, CKC registered and all, yet I was given up by my second home for no other reason than I was no longer wanted. Mom bought a condo, and I was not welcome there.

I was given up with my gal, 6 year old Caboose, but she was adopted right away. I was part of a “deal”, when one of us went, both had to leave immediately. So I ended up at Sophie’s Dog Adoption.

I am very healthy, my teeth were brushed regularly so quite nice, groomed often, and in general well taken care of all these years, other than there really was no love in my life for the last 4 years.

Now I am re-discovering having someone who gives me affection, attention, plays with me, takes me for walks, all the stuff a dog should do and I am just loving it! My foster mom finds me so funny, smart, well behaved, she pretty much describes me as perfect. Being a senior doesn’t mean I am not the guy for you. On the contrary, I am the best. Seriously! I play peek-a-boo, tug of war and all kinds of games. I’m no old boring dog.

I don’t see myself around young kids, or hyper dogs, but other than that any lifestyle will suit me just fine. I am easy going, will go with your schedule, your routine and lifestyle and be happy as a king!

Once you meet me, you’ll know what I mean about being the best! My charm, looks, good manners and sweet personality, I know you will not resist…

Pet Tracks

2013-08-18 12.07.41

Pet Tracks selection of “New Age Relaxation” recordings are designed by experts to reduce or eliminate separation anxiety, stress, boredom and loneliness for all pets and animals. These digitally mastered recordings with the unique “Pet Tracks Alpha Wave” technology, that has been separately over recorded into each music track, are associated with relaxation and tranquillity for both animals and humans. Pet Tracks enhances daily life and should be enjoyed by the entire family.

Price: $10.00
Shipping: FREE

The City’s merge, the beginning of the war against Sophie


In 2001 Sophie worked for the City of Cote-St-Luc, which later merged with the City of Montreal. Sophie spent over 15 years working at Building Inspection, she later transferred to the Engineering department.

Once at the Engineering department, Sophie found discrepancies with the SPCA Montreal billing. They would claim X dogs were found as strays, when in reality the number was lower. Public Security had a log of every stray dog, when the SPCA bills did not match the logs made by Public Security, Pierre Barnoti the Director of the SPCA was called in.

Mr Barnoti claimed it was a billing error and corrected it. Sophie, being overwhelmed by the amount of work due to the merge, was put on sick leave by her doctor which led to her being fired in 2003 by Robert Abdallah who was the Director of Public Works at the main City of Montreal offices.

Sophie had questioned many other irregularities within public tenders. Tenders were accepted at say 400,000$ but the final project would be over a million. Her bosses explained it was normal due to unforeseen expenses throughout the construction, and/or changes in materials which would cause the prices to change. Since the Charbonneau Commision, those irregularities are now known as “extras”.
Montreal refused to hire temporary employees to help Sophie out. The City later hired temporary employees to replace her position so that she could work on sorting out the mess of the other two municipalities.

The court records show that the City of Montreal disliked Sophie, they didn’t like the pictures of her dog Max on her desk. The City wanted her out of the Engineering department, Sophie asked to be transferred as she was unable to return to work in that department, mainly because of the extra work the merge brought on since Cote-St-Luc inherited two other municipalities to form the new borough of Montreal, Hampstead/Cote St-Luc/Montreal West (referred to as Cote St-Hamp West), but such transfer was refused categorically.

Sophie and her union (SCFP) fought hard but lost the case, the mediator ruled that since Sophie had started Sophie’s Dog Adoption, she had the ability to work and that the amount of stray or abandoned dogs did not overwhelm her ability to work in stressful situations.

In 2006 the City of Montreal started targeting Sophie’s Dog Adoption. That’s when the SPCA got involved. The first case was regarding dog tags, Mr Fortin (K-9 Inspector) kept visiting Sophie’s residence to count dogs, count tags, etc…

The SPCA under the Barnoti administration, helped Sophie fight the tickets in Court. Since the SPCA did not provide dog tags to foster homes, why should Sophie. Majority of the dogs within Sophie’s rescue where at the time SPCA dogs that were to be euthanized. The Municipal Judge agreed, but had to rule in favour of the City. The by-law made no exceptions, however the Judge told the City it had no right to go fishing. The SPCA told Sophie it would cost too much to fight to change the by-law.

Mr Barnoti had warned Sophie about Mr Fortin, and told her to be careful as the City also had an invalid and illegal right to seize, kill and ask questions later. Mr Fortin had already done so in the past.

The City kept fishing without a permit, claiming it had the right to inspect the residence without a warrant. Sophie would refuse access unless the police escorted the City. The City and Sophie played that game for a few years, the City would issue tickets for having too many dogs and no tags for the excess.

In 2008 the City issued Rick, Sophie’s son, a ticket for refusing access to the City without the police presence. The SPCA now had a new administration, so Me Devine (Alana’s father) represented Rick in Court but also lost. The Municipal Judge ignored both Canadian and Quebec Charters claiming the by-law allowed warrantless entry, so the ticket held. Rick never paid the ticket, waiting to be jailed for it. The City dropped the ticket in fear of the media.

CTV’s on your side had already covered parts of the story, interviewing the City and the SPCA.

In 2009 the City wanted Sophie’s Dog Adoption to apply for an occupancy permit so that she could run a Charity out of her residence. The occupancy permit would allow such warrantless entry into a residence, Sophie refused.

In 2010 the City got a police report that Tyson, a Pitbull under Sophie’s care, had bit another dog. The City (Public Works) then issued a 48 hour euthanasia order for this dog. It was now time for Sophie to fight back. Sophie took the City of Montreal to Superior Court and won. The by-law that allowed warrantless searches or seizures was invalidated and the euthanasia order dropped.

Sophie never heard from the City again, until 2012. Mr Trahan got a call from the Berger Blanc about Sophie. Sophie was reuniting strays with their owners at no charge, refusing to surrender any stray dog to the Berger Blanc, Berger Blanc claimed Sophie had to surrender all stray dogs to the them, Sophie showed the Berger Blanc their own contract, asking “where is my name, where does it say that”?

Mr Trahan (K-9 Inspector) came knocking at Sophie’s door, Sophie was now in a commercial establishment to avoid the municipal by-law that limited animals under a residential roof, she could now have up to seven dogs without a kennel permit, the same as a vet. Access to the local was refused, Mr Trahan left.

The City claims Mr Trahan never came knocking at Sophie’s door, despite Sophie having security video of Mr Trahan arriving in his SMART car and taking pictures of the front window. Sophie laid criminal charges on Mr Trahan, the police investigators claimed one visit was not enough, nor was Sophie the public. The argument was that Mr Trahan was preventing the enjoyment and comfort of the public by demanding access without warrants. It takes three to form the public, since Sophie was the only complainant, there was no public concerns.

The City refused to issue Sophie an occupancy permit, claiming that the zonage was residential for the top floors and the bottom floors had to be commercial only. Sophie had rented a local that was both zoned residential and commercial. The City argued only an “artist” could live in his commercial local. Sophie requested a written refusal to take the issue in Court, the City refused. It never ticketed Sophie for not having an occupancy permit. Sophie put a sign on the door, “members only” that way she didn’t need an occupancy permit, the public never entered, it was reserved for members only. An occupancy permit is to protect the public.

The City filed a complaint with the OQLF (the language police), Sophie had both French and English signs, but the OQLF started nitpicking. The OQLF claimed the English sign had to be smaller by X and Y dimensions, despite the law claiming the French had to be more visible, in which case it was, but that wasn’t good enough for the OQLF.

Sophie argued that a Charity had the right to post signs in English only, she had a philanthropic mission, and their own bill 101 allowed humanitarian messages to be in any language. The OQLF told Global news it was up to Sophie to prove the law didn’t apply to a Charity.

In order for Revenue Canada to accept a Charity, it must have a philanthropic mission. So that is the proof, we are playing with words here.

Sophie decided to play along with the City, requesting an occupancy permit, without costs, since she was a Charity. The City argued a Charity was not a non-profit organisation (OSBL), it could make profits.

Since the City claimed Sophie could not live there, she told the City that she was moving, keeping the commercial local for the Charity. The occupancy permit was refused because Sophie refused to pay for it as it is free for non-profit corporations (OSBL).

Sophie had plans to take this to Court, but the Wicca case came first. Sophie gave up the fight for the commercial local since the basement had water infiltrations rendering over 500 square feet useless…

The landlord of this commercial local turned it into a “residential” loft for Sophie, he did the work without permits, he knew the City would refuse the changes. The City never did bother him for that.

Sophie moved out after the Rumby case started. On the day of the move Mr Trahan came to visit, asking where Sophie was moving to. Rick told him “that’s for us to know and for you to find out”…



I’ve been named Pip by my foster home because I’m really small, basicly I’m a pipsqueak. I’m a young miniature pinscher and the story goes that I was found as a stray. However because of who “found” me, Sophie strongly suspects that I’m related to Celina and Melina as well as Minnie. Those three (previously adopted), all came from the same source as the one who found me.

I’m no more than two years old, very tiny, fully house trained but quite afraid of the big world. I’m living with Mr. Big right now and I have to say he’s intimidating. My experience with other dogs seems very limited.

I would be great for a family, very gentle, loving and ready for that new life.image

Maggie XMaggie X

image Maggie X, because Sophie can’t remember how many Maggies’ she’s had. But I am by far the oldest. I’m a sweet twelve year old Shih-Tzu mix, and after a first home ended up at the SPCA. Seven years ago I was adopted by a gentleman, with whom I was loved and well taken care of. Unfortunately, life happens, and my Dad was placed in a home. Because of my age family members were going to send me to the SPCA where I certainly would have been put on death row.  After some thought they decided to hand me over to Sophie’s Dog Adoption. I’m sweet, healthy, playful, and just love everyone. I still have a lot of good years in front of me and would fit in with pretty much anyone, as I’m easy going.


Help Sophie Save Carlotta Regnig

Carlotta Regnig is the perfect example of a backyard breeders lack of care when it comes to their production dogs. Her story is a bit of a mystery as she was found wandering the streets in the middle of the night. Cute as can be, pleasantly plump and wearing an expensive frilly collar. Obviously very pleasing to the eye.


Unfortunately once Sophie looked at her teeth to try and determine her age, thinking someone must be missing this little girl, only to discover the most rotted teeth and caked on tartar, it was definite I was not going to be reunited. Anyone who can leave a dogs mouth like that in such horrendous conditions does not deserve this sweet little girl.

Due to her teeth being so bad her mouth quickly became infected and she stopped eating for two days. Today she had to be rushed to the vet and is now hospitalized with fluids, antibiotics, it would seem the bacteria got into her bloodstream. Sophie being very optimistic is doing everything for her to pull through. So far the estimate is at $352.09 and going up.

If and when she pulls through, the next step will be getting that mouth fixed and yanking those teeth out. That will cost another good chunk of money. To add to this poor little girl’s sufferings she will need to be spayed and have tumors removed from two mammary glands (hopefully not cancerous – but we are not there yet).

Please help us financially to get her back in shape and to give this poor little girl a good home for the rest of her life.

Total collected: $430.00

Lucky Luke


Hi there! I’m Lucky Luke, a one yr old Pit Bull Dogo Argentino mix. I was found as a stray and my owner never claimed me so here I am looking for a new forever home to call my own. I’m a high energy pooch in need of basic training and plenty of regular exercise.

I’m very sweet and loving. I get along great with other dogs. I’m bright and eager to please. I was rather insecure when I was first rescued but have learned to trust people and now enjoy meeting strangers when out on walks.

I have an excellent temperament. I need a structured stable home where I can continue to thrive and become the terrific dog I was meant to be. I need to be on a grain-free diet as I am prone to food allergies.image



Hi there everybody! I’m Prince AKA Prince Pin. I’m only 5 yrs old and already looking for my new forever home. I’m a very sweet boy. Typical to my breed, I’m a happy go lucky energetic little fellow but I’m also obedient and love to snuggle with you. I get along very well with other dogs and cats. I’m not a barker, I’m house-trained and crate-trained and I know my basic commands in French (Viens, assis, couche, reste).

I tend to be very unsure around new people when I first meet them but I warm up to them quickly if they just let me come to them when I’m ready. I’m not at all aggressive. I just back off and cower a little if you approach me but if you insist and try to pick me up, then I will bite. You can have your friends give me a little treat to help me along. That always gets my attention. ;)

I walk best with a harness on a short leash. I can stay home alone. I love car rides and back rubs. I have the cutest little under-bite and very expressive eyes. As adorable as I am, I must receive regular exercise and structure so please no treating me like a spoiled pooch. I look to you for leadership first and foremost.image



I’m the beautiful and smart Gabriella – you can call me Gabi. I am a boxer mix, about 2-3 years old and full of energy. I was found roaming the streets of Montreal, and no one ever claimed me as their lost dog. So I’ve been waiting for the right home to come along and adopt me. I love spending time with my humans, playing, taking long walks or cuddling on the couch.

If you let me snuggle with you and since I am a serial licker, you will be showered with affection too, don’t worry! I get along famously with all people, dogs and cats. I am a very social creature who loves to meet new friends.

I have absolutely no aggression whatsoever. I may be a bit too energetic for very small kids, but I also know how to be gentle. It really would depend on the kids.

I am very obedient and have shown to be a quick learner and very eager to please once I know what is expected of me. I’ve been bouncing in foster care for a while now as there are so many dogs in need, that people don’t really go to reputable rescues anymore, they’ve rather save their own dog from death row. But what do you think would have happened if I didn’t end up with Sophie and was still in a shelter or pound somewhere, I would have been put down a long time ago. So how about giving me a chance at a real home, not just temporary fosters, when I have so many things to offer the world.

An active family would be ideal: I could be a terrific jogging/roller-blade/biking partner, or a good companion to go hiking. And if agility is your thing, I will sure impress you! I need someone that would offer me lots of love and structure, because I always expect you to lead me.

No doubt that with proper training and a balanced life, I would be a fantastic and extremely loyal companion. If you think you can handle that much love in your life, then I’m the gal for you.


Je suis la belle Gabriella, mais vous pouvez m’apeller Gabi. Je suis un boxer croisé, environs 2-3 ans et pleine d’énergie. J’ai été trouvée errant les rues de Montréal, et personne ne m’a jamais réclamé comme étant leur chien perdu. Donc j’attends depuis ce temps de trouver la famille qui m’adoptera. J’adore passer du temps avec mes humains, jouer, prendre de longues marches ou simplement me blottir contre vous sur le sofa.

Si vous me laissez me coller contre vous, et puisque je donne des bisous en série, vous serez également couvert d’affection, ne vous inquiétez pas! Je m’entends à merveille avec tout le monde, les chiens et chats. Je suis une créature très sociale qui adore rencontrer de nouveaux amis.

Je n’ai absolument aucune agression. Je peux être un peu trop énergétique pour de très jeunes enfants, mais je sais aussi être très douce. Ça dépendrait vraiment des enfants.

Je suis très obéissante et ai montré que j’apprends vite et que je suis très prête à faire plaisir une fois que je sais ce qu’on attend de moi. Je me promène de famille d’accueil en famille d’accueil depuis un bout de temps car il y a tellement de chiens dans le besoin, que les gens ne vont plus vraiment dans des organismes réputables, ils préfèrent sauver leur propre chien de la mort. Mais que pensez vous qu’il me serait arrivé si je n’avais pas aboutie chez Sophie et que j’étais encore dans un refuge ou une fourrière, j’aurai été euthanasiée il y a longtemps. Donc pourquoi pas me donner une chance à une vraie famille, pas juste des familles d’accueils temporaire, car j’ai tellement de choses à offrir à ce monde.

Une famille active serait idéale; je pourrais être un compagnon idéal pour faire du jogging/roller-blade/bicyclette et un bon compagnon pour la randonnée, Et si l’agilité c’est pour vous, c’est sûr que je vous impressionnerai! J’ai besoin de quelqu’un qui pourra m’offrir beaucoup d’amour et de structure, car je m’attend toujours à ce qu’on me dirige.

Aucun doute qu’avec le bon entraînement et une vie équilibrée, je ferai une compagne de vie fantastique, et certainement fidèle. Si vous pensez pouvoir avec tout cet amour dans votre vie, je suis la fille pour vous.

Save RumbySauvons Rumby

RumbySophie’s Dog Adoption (82837 1419 RR0001) and Wicca’s K9 Justice Foundation has agreed to help with the Rumby case (MTLEV1300290140).

Under the current by-law, a dog can be sentenced to death at the discretion of a City or borough official if the official deems the dog to be a danger to public safety or if the dog has bitten and caused a skin laceration requiring stitches. The by-law does not require the official to consult a qualified dog behavior expert, nor to assess the context of the incident, nor to consider other viable alternatives that would satisfy public safety concerns (such as mandatory muzzling) before ordering a dog’s death.

In Wicca’s case, the City refused to consider expert evidence from a certified veterinary behaviorist who had assessed Wicca and had written a report regarding her behavior and temperament.

In Tyson’s case, the Judge concluded, that the Tribunal should underline that the case isn’t about if the dog is a danger to the public. That decision would be up to the municipal authorities. All tough before issuing such order, the City does need to respect the fundamental rules found in the Civil and Penal Code of Procedures, which wasn’t done in this present case.

donation-meter-500 Sophie’s Dog Adoption has agreed to assist Rumby’s family in fighting this case by providing them with every resource available at our disposal. The City of Montreal keeps ignoring the citizen’s right to the fundamental rules of law.

The Court fees to fight this case will be around $400 to file the motion and to serve the city by bailif. The lawyer fees will be around $450 for the first day of court, if the Judge allows the case to go on to trial we will then be looking at $3600 in lawyer fees for an estimated 3 day trial.

The evaluation fees will be around $300, with an additional $150 to $300 for the experts presence in court if it’s needed. We also expect the city will be running us around with the intent to drain our resources as they did last summer with Wicca’s case.

Sophie’s Dog Adoption has agreed to help Rumby’s family raise $5,000 dollars for it’s legal fund. As a charitable organisation Sophie’s Dog Adoption will be issuing tax receipts for every dollar donated in effort to save Rumby’s life. Sophie’s Dog Adoption registration number is 82837 1419 RR0001

Total collected: $ 1,082.00

The Petition: Save Rumby
Facebook Page: Save Rumby
PayPal: Save RumbyRumbySophie’s Dog Adoption (82837 1419 RR0001) et la Fondation de Justice Canine de Wicca a accepté de s’impliquer dans la cause de Rumby (MTLEV1300290140).

Dans le cadre du règlement actuel, un chien peut être condamné à mort, à la discrétion de la Ville ou de l’arrondissement. Si ce dernier estime que le chien constitue un danger pour la sécurité publique, ou si ce chien a mordu, homme ou animal, nécessitant points de suture. Le règlement n’exige pas du fonctionnaire qu’il consulte un expert en comportement canin, ni qu’il évalue le contexte de l’incident, et ni même qu’il envisage d’autres alternatives viables pour sa réhabilitation dans la société (exemple: le port obligatoire d’une muselière), avant de pouvoir ordonner la mise à mort d’un chien.

Dans le cas de Wicca, la Ville a refusé d’examiner le témoignage écrit d’expert, provenant d’un vétérinaire comportementaliste certifié.

Dans le cas de Tyson, le juge a conclu, que le Tribunal doit souligner, que l’affaire n’est pas à savoir si le chien est un danger pour le public, puisque cette décision reviendrait aux autorités municipales. Toutefois, la Ville a la nécessité de respecter les règles fondamentales, figurant dans le Code des procédures civiles et pénales. Ce qui n’a pas été fait, dans le cas présent.

donation-meter-500 Sophie’s Dog Adoption a accepté d’aider la famille de Rumby dans cette cause, en mettant toutes ses ressources disponibles, à leur disposition. La Ville de Montréal, continue à ignorer le droit du citoyen, en vertu des règles fondamentales de la Loi.

Les frais judiciaires pour combattre cette cause se situent autour de 400 $ pour déposer la requête et à assigner la ville par huissier. Les frais d’avocat se situent autour de 450 $ pour le premier jour de l’audience, Par la suite, si le juge accorde un droit d’aller à procès, nous aurons besoin de trouver 3 600 $ en frais d’avocat, pour un procès de 3 jours.

Les frais de l’evaluation se situent autour de 300 $, un montant supplémentaire de 150 $ à 300 $ pour la présence des experts devant les tribunaux, si cela est nécessaire. Nous prévoyons également que la ville a l’intention d’écouler nos ressources comme ils l’ont fait avec la cause de Wicca.

Sophie’s Dog Adoption, a accepté d’aider la famille de Rumby, à amasser 5000 $ dollars pour son fond juridique. Comme nous sommes un organisme de bienfaisance, à but non lucratif, Sophie’s Dog Adoption émettra des reçus d’impôt, pour chaque dollar investit, dans l’effort de sauver la vie de Rumby. Le numéro d’immatriculation est le 82837 1419 RR0001.

Totale collectée: 1,082.00 $

La Petition: Sauvons Rumby
Page Facebook: Sauvons Rumby
PayPal: Sauvons Rumby

Mr. BigMr. Big

image I’ve been named Mr. Big because I’m a HUGE Great Dane. Let’s say I’m the size of a small pony at 185 lbs. Of course I’m done growing as unfortunately I’m already considered a senior, at the age of 6-7. I’m looking for a new home at this stage of my life because having a dog like me is not cheap and my previous owner basically dumped me at his mom’s, who really couldn’t afford to keep me.

I’m very healthy and still quite active, but obviously due to my size and age, not obnoxious. I’m rather mellow at home, but I have a very protective side to me. So ideally I’m looking for someone with experience in handling a huge protective dog. Of course, I am looking for someone who will work on that protection issue and not let me become overprotective of him/her.

Because I’m so big, and can be nervous around new people, I really am looking for a very mellow household, with no kids. I’m great with cats and get along with dogs but due to my size, I don’t really care for tiny dogs.

I am however extremely loving and would love nothing more than to take over your couch, or better yet, have one all to myself. I don’t have too many years in front of me, especially at my size, but if I could find someone to give me that great life for my old age, it would be a dream come true. I’ve been in foster care several months, but due to a situation now have to move and I really think it’s time for me to find my own home. Don’t you agree and won’t you share your home with me? I’m simply wonderful.imageOn m’a nommé Mr. Big car je suis un ÉNORME Grand Danois. Disons que je suis de la taille d’un petit poney à 185 lbs. Évidemment j’ai fini de grandir car malheureusement je suis déjà considéré comme senior, a 6-7 ans. Je me cherche un nouveau foyer à ce stade de ma vie parce qu’un chien de ma taille coûte cher et mon ancien maître m’a plus ou moins abandonné chez sa mère, qui n’a pas les moyens de me garder.

Je suis en excellente santé et toujours assez actif, mais évidemment à cause de ma grosseur, je ne suis pas énervé. Je suis plutôt calme à la maison, mais j’ai un côté protecteur. Donc idéalement je cherche quelqu’un avec de l’expérience avec un gros chien protecteur. Bien sûr, je cherche quelqu’un qui va travailler sur mon problème de protection et ne me laissera pas devenir sur-protecteur de lui/elle.

Étant donné que je suis si grand et peut devenir nerveux près de nouvelles personnes, je cherche un foyer vraiment tranquille, sans enfants. Je suis super avec les chats, et m’entend bien avec les chiens, mais à cause de ma taille, je n’apprécie pas vraiment les tout petits chiens.

Je suis par contre très aimant et n’aimerai rien de mieux que de prendre votre sofa, ou encore mieux, avoir mon propre sofa à moi tout seul. Je n’ai pas des tonnes d’années devant moi, surtout gros comme je suis, et si je pouvais trouver quelqu’un pour me donner une super vie pour mes vieux jours, ce serait un rêve devenu réalité. Je suis en famille d’accueil depuis plusieurs mois, et dû à une situation, je dois maintenant déménager et je pense vraiment que c’est le temps de trouver ma propre maison. Ne pensez-vous pas, et ne voulez-vous pas partager votre maison avec moi? Je suis tout simplement merveilleux.



I’ve been named Chili by my foster home. I’m obviously a Pug / Beagle mix, probably around seven years old and a male. Nothing is known about me other than I was found in between the two gates of a dog park. At first Sophie was sure someone had put me there for safe keeping because I would have been running around the streets of DDO.

But after three weeks of searching for my family, it looks like I may in fact been abandoned.

I’m such a wonderful dog, very smart, well behaved, eager to please, very friendly and just all around a happy dude. I love everything and everyone, I’m clean, I’m quiet and mellow. I would make a wonderful companion to anyone. I’m not a “play with the kids” kind of dog. I don’t mind them but I’m not drawn to them.


J’ai été nommé Chili par ma famille d’accueil. Il est évident que je suis un Pug / Beagle, probablement d’environs sept ans et un mâle. On ne sait rien sur moi sauf que j’ai été trouvé entre les deux barrières d’un par à chiens. Au début Sophie était certaine que quelqu’un m’avait placé là afin de me garder en sécurité car possiblement je courrais dans les rues de DDO.

Mais après trois semaines de recherches pour trouver ma famille, il semblerait que j’ai été en fait abandoné.

Je suis un chien si merveilleux, très intelligent, bien élevé, toujours prêt a faire plaisir, très gentil et tout simplement un gars joyeux. J’aime tout et tout le monde, je suis propre, tranquille et relaxe. Je ferais un excellent compagnon de vie. Je ne suis pas le genre a jouer avec des enfants. Ils ne me dérangent pas mais je ne suis pas particulièrement attiré.



I’m Kasey a young Great Dane mix and I’m looking for a home. I’m sweet, friendly and would be a wonderful addition to any family. I love kids, I love cats, I love dogs. I’m hoping to find a home soon so my new family can educate me properly, I’m very eager to learn and to please.image

Je suis Kasey, une jeune chienne mélangée avec du Grand Danois et je cherche une famille. Je suis gentille, douce et serait une joie pour n’importe quelle famille. J’adore les enfants, j’adore les chats, j’adore les chiens.  J’espère me trouver un foyer bientôt afin que ma nouvelle famille puisse m’éduquer correctement, je suis très prête à apprendre et ne veut que faire plaisir.



I’m Sophie’s latest arrival, Baiba. I got lucky when Sophie showed up at her vet where I had just been taken to be euthanized because of an imaginary skin rash. My doctor having followed me for the last five years confirmed that I have no health issues but my caregiver is very very very old. So my doctor decided he would turn me over to Sophie as he would never euthanize a healthy girl like me.

We’re not sure what I am, definitely some Shih-tzu but with a dinky little tail and about 20 pounds. For sure I’m a little overweight right now but even at that I’m bigger than a typical Shih-tzu.  Even tough I’m only five years old, I act more like an older dog – I guess that comes with living with someone very very very old.

I would see myself with kids, dogs, cats, grandmas or younger folks. Pretty much anything will suit me as long as you love me.image

Je suis la dernière arrivée de Sophie, Baiba. J’ai eue la chance que Sophie aille chez son vet car je venais d’arriver pour être euthanasiée à cause d’un problème de peau imaginaire.  Mon docteur qui m’a suivi depuis les 5 dernières années  a confirmé que je n’avais pas de problème de santé, mais mon ancienne maitresse était très très vieille.  Donc mon docteur a décidé de m’envoyer avec Sophie car jamais il ne ferait l’euthanasie d’une fille en santé comme moi.

On ne sait pas vraiment ce que je suis, définitivement du Shih-Tzu mais avec une toute petite queue et pesant environs 20 lbs. Je suis un peu toutoune maintenant mais je suis quand-même plus grosse qu’un Shih-Tzu typique.  Même si je n’ai que cinq ans, j’agis comme un chien plus vieux – ça doit venir d’avoir vécu avec quelqu’un de très très vieux.

Je me verrais avec des enfants, chiens, chats, grandparents ou jeunes adultes. Pas mal n’importe quel environnement me conviendrais en autant que vous m’aimez.