All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier


I am a teeny, weeny, little puppy! Born around the end of August 08, I am already looking for a new home….. I was purchased by a lady who really couldn’t take care of me, she had purchased a Schnauzer puppy 2 months before getting me.

So I have been named Armand by Sophie and we figure right now I’m about 10 weeks old. This is the best time to get a Cocker Spaniel if you have kids, as we are not known to be good with kids if we are older and not used to them.

I am cute as a button, but you have to keep in mind there’s MUCH MORE to it than that! I’m also a little peeing/pooping machine, chewing everything my nose smells and my eyes see, I want a lot of attention and may not sleep through the first nights you bring me home… A puppy is cute, great fun, but lots of work, patience and knowledge to turn us into a great family member.

Keesha 2

I feel very left out and am not afraid to show my discontent by peeing the floor, chewing up the kids’ toys, anything to get someone’s attention.

So my mom can’t deal with it anymore and has decided it’s time for me to find a new home.

However, I am a very good dog! I am sweet, affectionate and a good companion. I am good with the kids, not a big barker, and just love life. I deserve a good home who will work with me in giving me back a sense of being loved and maybe become once again the center of attention!

Toto Spenser

My name was Toto, but the foster home didn’t like it and called me Spenser, so I’m now known as Toto Spenser!

I am a 1 year old Boston Terrier, the sweetest thing you’ve ever met. Loveable, huggable, kissable, and very mellow. Not your typical hyper Boston, I am the perfect little companion for anyone. I love everyone including kids, and love all critters: dogs, cats, ferrets, anything and anyone.

I can stay alone during the day, am housetrained, not a barker and just perfect.


My name is Slinky, and I am a 2 year old Wire-Hair Dachshund. I am not a ‘show quality’ dog, as my hair is not quite what it should be, and I am slightly larger than your average Dachshund (plus I am overweight right now!), but I am loveable and sweet.

I weigh 33lbs, but should only weigh 25 as per the vet, so I’m on a diet, and will need to get those little legs running to lose that extra fat!

I love kids, other dogs, people, am friendly, affectionate and goofy looking. But I DO NOT like cats, rabbits, ferrets, or any other critters (including birds) as I am a hunter and could hurt one of those little non-canine/non-human species! Other than that, I am not at all dominant, I was ‘attacked’ by a vicious chihuahua (who I could have mistaken for a rat easily!!) and just backed away from her. Not my thing to get into a fight with a dog… just those darn cats and stuff!


My name is Arno, and I am a wonderful Cocker Spaniel, looking for a new home already at the age of 1.

I am very sweet, get along well with other dogs and cat and love kids, but I am very easily excitable so older kids would be better. I am housetrained, and generally a good boy, but keep in mind I am young and could get into stuff. Crate training would probably be a good idea until I settle into my new home.

Zeus 2

My name is Zeus 2, and at 3 1/2 months, I am already a victim of our consumer society. I was purchased at the age of 11 weeks from a petshop, by a young lady who just fell in love with my beautiful face.

However, even though she kept me ‘hidden’ from Mom who owns the house, I was discovered and all hell broke loose. It was either she move out with me, or I leave and she stays. Guess what happened?

So I’m in a foster home right now, hoping to find a family who will love me forever, no matter what shoes I chew up or what rug I pee on. Please, I am a cute baby, but don’t let that cute face fool you. I AM A BEAGLE, and if you don’t know how to raise me right, you are in for a life of misery! Beagles are not for everyone, we can be very stubborn and hard headed, and that nose of ours just leads us astray!!!


I have been named Laeticia, and I’m the sweetest little 6 month old Boxer.

I was found running around near the highway shortly after midnight one night, and was in an awful state. Malnourished and full of skin parasites, I was brought in and immediately taken care of.

I am now healing from all the scabs all over my body, and have started to enjoy life. I am very loving, and will be a very loyal girl to whoever loves me forever!

I was probably intended for breeding, and discovering these skin parasites on me, instead of treating me, they let it get really bad and then dumped me. I am living proof of the society we live in.


My name is Mazia, and I am a wonderful 7 year old Boston Terrier female. I am looking for my 3rd home already, and want this one to be my last.

I can stay alone during the day, get along great with other dogs, fully housetrained. Basically, I am a perfect girl. I do have one little thing: I am BALL CRAZY. So I will need someone who will be able to work on this with me, as it will drive you nuts!

Bruce 3

My name is Bruce 3, I am a wonderful and sweet 11 month old Boxer/Mastiff mix. I am a BIG boy, though, I already weigh 106 lbs.

I was adopted almost at birth by someone who really didn’t want a dog but thought they’d help the family who had the pups out by taking me. However, he never spent time with me, locked me in a cage, and really didn’t treat me very nice.

So I was taken back and put in boarding for the last 2 months. I am a really gentle dog, what you would call a ‘gentle giant’ and only want a family to love and be loved by.

I get along great with other dogs, have not been around cats yet so don’t know how I’ll react….. that’ll have to be seen!


My name is Poet, I am a sweet and very fit 30 lbs Beagle. I am more what you would call ‘enthusiastic’ rather than high energy, especiall out on walks. My nose can get the best of me.

I am 6 years old but seem much younger. I love sniffing about and
letting my nose take me places, so a Halti leash is the best so as to control me on the walks (I can be quite the puller if I
smell something interesting…which is all the time). If there are rabbits (or other small animal smells), my nature takes over, so you have to keep me on the leash all the time.

If you have a very secure yard, I could spend all day exploring. I am fully housetrained and can stay all day alone
without having accidents or doing any damage, even though I am not crate trained.

I am very affectionate and sweet, and just love people and kids. I am very good with other dogs (I am very submissive with them); as far as cats though, I haven’t had much exposure so that could take some work.

I am presently fed high quality food to keep my joints good as I once had knee surgery when I was younger and my family wants to keep me on a good diet and a healthy weight.


My name is Buddah, and my mix is still a guess. I may be mixed with Bernese Mountain Dog or maybe Newfoundland Mountain Dog, but what is for sure, is that I will be BIG.

I am not quite 3 months (probably born around April 30th or so) and already close to 30 lbs if not more.

Of course, I am still very young so no training. I was kept tied on a small balcony day and night until my family got fed up (they didn’t have much patience – I hadn’t been there very long) and decided I’d be better off alone in the back lane fending for myself. Someone heard about it, took me in and called Sophie. So now, I am looking for a new home.

I am sad to see that someone took me home, gave me hope of a family, to tie me up and then decide I was too much for them and abandon me. I may be big, but I am just a baby. It is a sad world I was born into, and I hope to find someone who will love me for all the years to come!


My name is Tequila, I am a 4 year old Teckel. I used to have it made, and then one day my family decided to have a baby! Yuk! Now I have to share my space and love, and I really don’t like it.

As sad as it makes them, they are afraid I will eventually bite the baby as I am extremely jealous so I am now hoping to find a home with no kids.

I am sweet, friendly, loving and a great boy. I am fully housetrained and can stay at home alone without getting myself in trouble, so basically I am a good boy. I just need to have a family all to myself! I don’t want to share with little humans, I want all the love!

Brahma & Darshan

We are Brahma and Darshan. We are 2 boys and looking to be rehomed together.

I, Brahma, am born in Sept. 03. I am all black, and weigh under 6 lbs. I have a very submissive temper, am fully obedience trained, I don’t bark for no reason (only if someone is at the door), am super well socialized. I love everyone, but have some separation anxiety and need to be with my buddy Darshan. It is preferable to crate me when left alone. I love cats, and get along with other dogs too. I am also a big fan of kids.

Darshan, is born in Sept. 04. He is a little bigger than me, about 10 to 12lbs. Like me, he has a very submissive temper and is fully obedience trained as well. He also doesn’t bark unless someone is at the door, and is very well socialized. He just loves everyone. He has no emotional issues. He gets along with other pets, though he mostly ignores them. He definitely likes the company of kids and people better than other dogs, he just loves to be on your lap.

Lucky 2

My name is Lucky 2, I am a 2 1/2 year old Boxer/Mastiff mix, weighing about 90 lbs. I am very sweet, fully housetrained, lovable and cuddly. However when I get excited, I can get jumpy and ‘mouthy’ and being so big, it annoys people.

So I am looking for a family who will know how to work with me on this issue so I can be absolutely perfect. Other than that, I have no faults.

I can stay alone, walk very well on a leash, get along with other dogs and cute as a button!

Peanut 3

My name is Peanut 3, I am a 15 month old Boston Terrier who DOES NOT LIKE other dogs!

I am already on my 3rd home, and really looking forward to settling down in my final home. I am looking for a home with no other dogs, and no cats. Because I can be so aggressive with other dogs, it would be preferable not to put me in a family with little children… You never know!

I am clean in the house, can stay alone without getting myself in trouble and in general a friendly little guy. I am not crazy about men, but with time and stability, I will stop being afraid of them.

Mikie 2

My name is Mikie 2, I am Roxie’s brother. I am an 8 month old Boxer mix, our dad was probably a Shepherd/Husky mix.

I am a very cute, sweet and cuddly boy, and would love to find a new home with kids. I am very friendly, love people, get along great with dogs and cats.

I am not crazy about being alone during the day but I am housetrained and pretty much a good boy. I may need some positive reinforcement with a cage, but with time I’ll get better. Of course, I am a teenage pup so I might get in trouble occasionally, but in general I’m on my way to being a man!


We have been nicknamed the Superheroes. 5 of us are boys; Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, Superman and Plasticman (he’s from the 50’s!!) and one of us is a girl; Wonderwoman. We are born on June 5, 2008.

We are teeny little things, dad was a Boxer, mom a Doberman. We were an accidental litter of 10, and by the time we were 3 weeks old, the family who let our mom get pregnant decided we were to be put down as we were just too much work. So our dad’s family who felt guilty, took all 10 of us in, and bottle fed us until we were 5 weeks old. At 5 weeks, 6 of us were put into foster care and are looking for new homes through Sophie’s Dog Adoption.


My name is Leo. I am a 2 year old Beagle looking for a new home. I am very sweet, but can be possessive of my food and toys.

Ideally someone with no young kids would be the best, and of course someone who knows Beagles as we are not a dog for just anyone.

I have lots of energy and therefore need an active person/family who will give me the exercise I need.


My name is Bodi, I am a 7 year old Lebanese Teckel mix. Yup, I came all the way from Beirut in hopes of finding a home. I travelled a long way, with Sunny 2 and Leslie, 2 of my shelter buddies.

We have been in a shelter in Beirut for too long, with all the bombs going off all the time, some of the people there wanted us to have a chance at a better life, so we were sent here, to beautiful Montreal.

I am almost completely blind from cataracts, and my hearing is not so great. However, I seem to have no handicaps as I get around very well. I am very friendly, love belly rubs, get along with everyone and love car rides.