Category Archives: Adopted


My name is Dixie. I was found wandering the streets of Montreal on December 29th, one of the coldest days this year. I had a rope tied around my neck with my name written in pen, ‘Dixie’…. I guess I didn’t turn out to be the Christmas gift they were expecting…..

I am a sweet girl, about 4 months old, probably Beagle/Collie mix. I am very friendly, clean in the house (even though I am crated when no one is home), calm, and quiet. I am very cute, and can melt your heart, but since I’m a puppy, I will need someone who will not spoil me and turn me into a monster.

I have proven to be a great girl so far, so I am looking for someone who will continue educating me the right way, so I will not bounce back once I become a teenager…


My name is Mum. I should be arriving from Beirut, Lebanon on January 17,2010 if all goes as planned. I am a very playful, affectionate, loving dog who gets along great with other dogs.

I have never been around cats in Lebanon, so it is still unknown how I will react, but I am a gentle girl so with some training, I should learn to love them. I was rescued from the streets with my tips of my ears cut off, as is a tradition in Lebanon for some people. It is a myth that by cutting our ears off when we are puppies and making us eat them, it makes us aggressive. But this is just a cruel myth.

The first one of us to make it to Montreal to Sophie’s Dog Adoption a couple of years back was AngelBoy, a dude kind of like me who had the same fate. He is the most loving and gentle soul and I heard loves his new life in Montreal. So I am dreaming for the same. A family who will overlook my atrophied ears and love me for who I am, not for how I look. I will be grateful for the rest of my life, and I hope to have a bed of my own just like AngelBoy has (I heard he even has his own couch – now that’s the life!!).


I have been named Bozo by the SPCA who picked me up as a stray. Yup, a stray. I am assumed to be between 6-8 years old, and am healthy but do have calcium deposits on my eyes, which causes me not to see so well.

I am a BIG boy, weighing in at about 36 lbs, but a very mellow and friendly guy. I love going for walks, I get along fine with other dogs, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon as well.

I would do very well in most any family, as I love just about everyone.


I have been named Filou. I was found wandering around in the country, in really bad shape. I was sick, lonely and cold. My hair was falling out, I was itchy and my skin was so damaged it looked like I might have cancer. I am about 5 years old, and Sophie was going to do anything to save me!

So I was brought to a vet, a biopsy was taken, blood tests, skin scrapings, I was neutered and treated for all and every parasites in case I had some.

Sophie’s Dog Adoption who is the forever optimist, was relieved when told it was probably allergies due to food or the environment I was living in. I may have been sleeping on something like insulation or something similar.

I was shaved down, given medicated shampoos, medication, and good quality food, and I am like new. One of my ears has been damaged in the past, probably due to a fight or an accident and not taken care of, so it folds down and is scarred. But it gives me a look that melts your heart!

I have come out of my shell and LOVE the indoors and my new foster home. I have a couple of beds to choose from, dog friends and toys to play with, someone to kiss me, hug me, love me, talk sweet to me, and I just LOVE it! After a life of living outside (as my coat evidently proved), I have now gotten used to the luxury of living indoors.

My hair is growing in, my skin is getting better, and the itchiness is all gone. I am a bit of a scavenger, though, so I like to get into the garbage and any kind of food that is left behind. I was used to fending for myself, and probably went around into peoples’ garbage when they left their cottages for the week!

I am starting to make friends at the dog park, but I also like to protect it and bark when people enter. It has become my new ‘property’ when we go out, and it actually makes people laugh. I have a loud voice and can be heard across the park! I will make sure to protect your property if you adopt me!

I am a very sweet boy, love kids, other dogs, and would probably do well with cats. To know me is to love me, I will charm your heart in a nanosecond!


My name is BoBo, I am the cutest, sweetest 4 year old male Chihuahua! I have huge ears and a just as huge personality.

I am friendly, affectionate, playful and funny. I am looking for a new home because my mom passed away, and no one in the family could keep me.

I am able to stay alone during the day, clean in the house, even though a little ‘territorial’ as I was just neutered since I’ve arrived in rescue.


My name is Sheila. I was bounced around from the time I was first purchased, probably in a pet shop, because I am an active puppy! What do people think they are ‘buying’, a stuffed toy?

So I am at least looking for my 3rd home, and am about 7 months old. I am a very sweet girl, but young and energetic. I’m great with other dogs, cats, and people. I am a beagle mix, it’s obvious, but with what…. that’s anyone’s guess. Maybe with some sort of Hound, as I am taller than a Beagle….

I am looking for a stable home. A family or couple/person looking to give me exercise, discipline, structure, guidelines and love for the rest of my life. I don’t want to bounce around, it’s very hard to get the hang of things when you change homes every couple of months.

I am eager to learn and please, but I need someone who will take me in to give me a real life, not to look at how cute I am and let me do what I want. I am a hound type dog, and we need exercise, but mostly discipline and structure or we do whatever we want. Keep in mind our nose takes us places, so we are great at running off. I am looking for someone who will be able to keep their eye on me, not leave me in a yard to have fun running after squirrels!


My name is Belle. I am a 6 year old Chihuahua who is unfortunately looking for a new home due to my mom passing away.

I was living with Mylo 2 and Sanchez, and all of us are now looking for new homes. We have been split up so can be adopted separately, but having another dog with me would probably make me adapt better.

I am very shy and mellow, good with kids if they are not too rough. I am good with other dogs, and would do fine with cats.

Zeus 3

I am Zeus 3! A sweet boy, who unfortunately was born in Lebanon about 4 years ago and have never known what a home is…:(

I was rescued during the war in 2006, and was never adopted in Lebanon. My chances are: I never will be. I am a ‘mutt’, and a large one at that, but I deserve a chance at a good life. This is why BETA sent me here, so I’ll have a chance at a real home. My mix is a bit of a guess, but probably some sort of sheep dog in my ancestry somewhere.

I am housetrained, calm, smart, obedient, get along with other dogs, and love human affection. A pretty good resume for a homeless dude, huh!

I will make anyone a wonderful friend and companion, if you think I could be dude for you, I would love to have you as a family!


I am Lolita, a wonderful and sweet little girl who was abandoned in an apartment when my owners moved out. I am a pitbull, probably an AmStaff or similar breed, and from what it seems, no more than 14 months old. It is obvious that I had puppies at my young age, I finished weaning them no more than 4 months as my body has not yet taken back it’s feminine shape….

I have proven to be very loving, good with dogs, cats and most people, however I am a little weary of certain men. I also need some education, as I like to jump at people when I’m excited, and I nip them to give them ‘love bites’, but they sometimes hurt…. I need someone who will become Alpha and show me the way to being a well-behaved dog.

I do very well in a crate when you are gone, I do not bark, whine nor cry. I have been very quiet since I have been rescued, as a matter of fact nobody knew I was in the apartment until the landlord came in…. It had been vacant for 4 days.

Tyson 3

My name is Tyson 3, I am a very sweet, 1 year old Doberman. I am looking for a new family due to a move, as in most cases.

I have proven to be very well behaved, clean in the house, can stay alone without destroying anything, don’t bark for no reason and generally a great dog. I am friendly, affectionate, and a good protector. I love other dogs, am great with kids and adore people in general.

My ears have been mutilated, and we have not gotten to the truth of what happened, but I am still a beautiful boy. It is sad to look at me, but love is all I care about. I don’t need pity, I want to be loved for me, despite my looks.

Max 7

My name is Max 7, I am a sweet Bernese Mountain dog who is looking for a new home. Because of lack of exercise, I am overweight, but should lose those extra pounds in no time if you walk me daily.

I am about 3 years old, sweet and gentle. I am not crazy about strange men in general, but just ‘observe’ them. I don’t react aggressively, but they have not been too nice with me, so I have a preference for women and children.

Max 6

My name is Max 6. I am a Cocker Spaniel mix, and born in September 08. I am a pup, so already looking for a new home.

I am great with kids, good with cats and other dogs. I need some work on housetraining, but I am still very young.

There is not much more to say other than I am a puppy so if you are looking to adopt me, get ready! Having a puppy is at least one year of work in order to make us good canine citizens!


My name is Médor, and I am a sweet 10 year old Chihuahua. I lived with a senior person who is now in a home, and I am looking for a new place myself.

I am extremely overweight, so will need to lose some weight, and will need a good teeth cleaning. At my age, I may lose a few as I was not fed the best of food.

I am a little shy around new people, but once I know you I come out of my shell. I get along well with cats and other dogs, if they are not too big and scary.

Mojo 2

My name is Mojo 2, and I am another victim of divorce. I am 4 years old, and looking for a new home.

I am a very active dog, so I am looking for a family with lots of energy to keep up with me. I am very friendly, love people, get along with other dogs and not a barker.

I have a sensitive stomach, so I am on a special diet, but otherwise very healthy.

Stevie Wonder Dog

My name is Stevie the Wonder Dog, and I am a beautiful pitbull mix who was adopted as a puppy and unfortunately am looking for a new home again as my family moved to England and decided not to take me. I was born blind, but have managed to get around very well all this time. You would never know I’m blind except for the fact I look up at the sky when you speak to me.

Of course, you must be ready for the possibility that I may have complications in a few years that could require surgery. Right now the doctors don’t see any problems, but who knows what the future holds for me? I want someone who will not give up on me if I end up costing a little more money than a regular dog….. Please consider that before meeting me, as I will melt your heart.


My name is Cassie, and I am a sweet little girl. I am a Cocker Spaniel, and estimated to be about 7 years old. I was found as a stray, and then put on death row as I am too old for some shelter’s standards.

I may be 7 years old, but I still have lots of life, love and adventure left in me!

I am very affectionate and love to be around people. I do cry a bit when left alone, but I am not sure what is happening. I am hoping to have a great home for the rest of my life, maybe even with someone who might be home a lot.

Gucci 4

My name is Gucci 4, and believe it or not, I was literally invited to walk out the front door and never return, along with my brother.

The person who found us found my brother a home, but I am still looking. I am 2 years old, always lived in the same home until they decided dogs were no longer wanted in their lives.

I am great with kids, cats, other dogs, clean in the house, can stay alone, but I do not know how to walk very well on a leash. I am overweight, and didn’t do much exercise, so I have some pounds to lose.


My name is Cooper, I am about 1 1/2 years old and still very much a teenager.

I am a big boy, which is why the guess I might have some Mastiff. But it’s really just a guess.

I love people, other dogs, cats, kids, but I am a little dominant and excitable so I need someone who will know how to handle me. An Alpha is what I need, or I will manipulate and take over as boss of the house! I had a rough start, having already had 2 homes (if you can call them that) where my life meant being tied outside to a doghouse, and the family/kids coming to play with me once in a while. So rules on how to play soft??? Don’t know. I like to bounce on you, chew on your arms, knock you down if I can, all in good fun!! But… that is not what people consider well-behaved, and for that I was put on death row at the shelter where I was brought.

I am good during the day, if crated, as I tend to try and find food wherever food may be. I am housetrained, calm in general, and very friendly.

Oscar 2

My name is Oscar 2, I am a sweet and loving Dachshund. I am a male, 4 years old, and lots of fun to be around.

I don’t care for male dogs, but I have not yet been neutered (this will be done before adoption), which probably doesn’t help. However, I love females. I am also great around cats, as I don’t even see them! Literally, I could walk right over one! So I don’t have any desire to chase them at all. However, I love to play ball. I could chase that all day!

I am not too crazy about kids either, so a family or couple with no children would be what I need. I am not mean to them, just run from them as they kind of scare me. I am fully housetrained so no worries there.