Category Archives: Adopted


On St-Patrick’s Day 2012, I landed at Dorval Airport from Beirut, Lebanon. My given name is Baguerra, I was found running like mad, dodging traffic on a busy Lebanon highway.

The lady who caught me before I ended up flat on the road brought me back to the only shelter in Beirut, and I have been there ever since. I was just a teeny puppy of less than 3 months at the time, and here we are 5 years later, as a landed immigrant, looking for that home I’ve spent years dreaming of.

Black dogs in Lebanon are just not adopted and I am the proof. So now that I am here and see lots of black dogs walking with humans, I’m thrilled.

I already learned going up steps and hope to go down very soon. It’s a lot of learning waiting for me, but you’ll see, I will be the best student ever!!

I will never pick-up bad habits if you teach me the way, and I will love you forever and ever. I will never abandon you. I love giving kisses and being petted, and I would love sharing my new home with kids, cats, dogs or whatever else lives there.

Princess 2

I’m the most beautiful Princess you’ll meet.  I’m a young and loving 3 year old, petite American Staffordshire Terrier (pitbull) who is desperately seeking a wonderful home.

I had a bit of a rough start, I am very timid and extremely submissive, but with time I have started to come out of my shell and become a much more assertive dog.  I am hoping to live with kids, as all of us pitbulls usually LOVE children. And a plus for my breed is that I get along with other dogs very well. Cats, well let’s say I was attacked by one in foster care and I don’t care for them too much anymore.

I need some structure and some training, but I am so eager to please and so very smart that it will take no time at all in a stable home to become the best dog ever!

Please be my Knight in shining armor, and I will be your Princess forever!Je suis la plus belle Princesse que vous rencontrerez.  Je suis une jeune et adorable petite American Staffordshire Terrier (pitbull) de 3 ans, qui se cherche désespérement une famille merveilleuse.

J’ai eue un début difficile, je suis très timide et extrèmement soumise, mais avec le temps je sors de plus en plus de ma coquille et devient de plus en plus indépendente. J’espère habiter avec des enfants, car nous les pitbulls on ADORE les enfants. Un plus pour ma race est que je m’entends très bien avec les autres chiens. Les chats, disons qu’un m’a attaqué en famille d’accueil, et je ne les aiment pas autant qu’avant.

J’ai besoin de structure et un peu d’entraînement, mais je suis tellement prête à faire plaisir et si intelligente que ça ne me prendra pas de temps du tout dans un foyer stable  pour que je devienne la parfaite chienne!

SVP soyez mon Chevalier gallant, et je serai votre Princesse pour la vie!

Scoobie Girl

Scoobie Girl is my name!  I am a 3 year old English Bulldog who was taken in by a young couple who wanted to give me a good life, as my previous owners had let me get to 70 lbs (yup you read that right!!) and didn’t really care what happened to me.

They brought me back to a healthy 40-some pounds (I need to be weighed), and I have found my shape back.  Unfortunately, life kind of fell apart and the young girl is now alone with a full time job, and full time school.  She feels I am not getting the life I deserve, and since she wanted me to have a good life, she decided to ask Sophie’s Dog Adoption to find me that perfect home..

I am in fact great with everyone, even kids, but I am not so good with dogs.  I am what you would consider a “bully”, as my welcoming way is to pin a dog down and make lots of noise!!  Because of the shape of my mouth, there’s not a whole lot of “biting” going on, but lots of bullying and dominance, especially on leash.  Leash aggression is one of my biggest problems, that needs to be worked on.

I am cute as a button, and if you love Bulldogs, I’m the gal for you!  Loving, cuddly, and just adorable!  You just can’t get enough of looking at that face of mine!

Will you be the one to love and cherish me for the rest of my life?  I came off the internet, so who really knows how many homes I’ve had since birth.  Please give me a final and stable home, I’ll make you laugh with my goofy face during your saddest moments!


I am a beautiful, BIG girl, named Fidji. I am a 3 ½ year old Giant Schnauzer and according to everyone who’s met me so far, I hear them say that I am stunning. However, not stunning enough to be loved forever by my first home, after a divorce I was still loved, but now a new “fiancée” has taken my place, and I have been intimidating her, so the answer is to give me up…..That’s a dog’s life in Quebec, no matter how stunning, wonderful, loving and well behaved you might be, one little thing wrong and we’re gone!

Weighing 102 lbs at the moment, I could lose 5 lbs or so, but I am not considered overweight. I am just a big female.

I have basic training; I am very sweet with other dogs, cats and kids. However, I am what is known as a “dominant bitch” and being my size, I need to be with a family who knows the breed. Schnauzers are a dominant breed by nature, and I am certainly no exception. My foster home will work with me on some of this dominance, as I tend to lean into you, sit on your feet, and can easily lift up my lips and growl to intimidate anyone who’s “annoying” me….

Other than that little character trait, I am very gentle, listen very well, a little anxious maybe but not fearful. I can stay alone during the day, and basically if you know Schnauzers, I am the best!


My name is Soni and I’m now lonely. I’m one of the Magnificent 7, a litter of Golden/Lab puppies born November 2009, and like my foster sister Penelope, I too am looking for a new forever home. I’m only 2 and half, and a beautiful blond. Since I lived in the same house as Penelope, I’m also good with kids, dogs and cats.

I’m a little more anxious than Penelope since we lost our home but are being boarded together at the moment while waiting for foster homes. As well, if I could find a home with Penelope it would make me happy, but I can also learn to live without her.

I do have 5 sisters and a brother that have been adopted, if one of you want’s to welcome me, the little sister, that would also be a great home.


I’m Penelope, and at the age of 5 I am looking once again for a forever home. I was originally rescued back in July 2007 as the youngest one (4 months old) of a batch of starving dogs who where dying in a horrible dog pound. We came to be known as the Lucky 7.

My foster home fell in love with me and decided to keep me as I was such a sweetheart. She continued to foster for Sophie’s Dog Adoption and eventually (2 years later) adopted Soni, one of the Magnificent 7, but now life has changed and she returned both of us.

I’m a big girl, very friendly, housetrained and grew up in a very busy household with young children, dogs and cats so obviously I can adapt to any situation. I’m about 85lbs, a little overweight and can certainly use an active lifestyle.

If Soni and I were to find the same loving home, it would be a bonus, but we can certainly live apart.

Lola Valentine

My name is Lola, but I have been renamed Lola Valentine, as I arrived at Sophie’s Dog Adoption on Valentine’s Day. I am just under a year old, and already looking for a new home. I am a petite Boston Terrier, a girl with beautiful long legs!

I was living with 3 young kids, 2 obnoxious dogs and lots of stress in the house. I became very skittish, but part of it is probably due to my being “sold” at the age of only 6 weeks. So I lacked all the good stuff my siblings and mom would have taught me, and growing up in the middle of all the chaos, only made me become very insecure.

I will be working on becoming an independent, secure little girl. I should make progress in no time and become a wonderful companion.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Janie, the only girl. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.

Luna 4

I’m Luna 4, a sweet Pitbull who’s already had two litters at the age of 1 and a half. I’ve already had several homes and my last owner went to jail so I went to a friend who gave me to his friend who gave me to another friend who’s mother afraid of me.

So here I am with Sophie’s Dog Adoption where I am hoping to find that last, forever, wonderful home I’ve been dreaming of since I started to walk.

Despite my bouncing around I have remained a typical loving and charming Pitbull, I all want is love and kisses.

Theo 2

I’m Theo 2, a small and friendly little Yorkshire. I was purchased at Berger Blanc at the age of six month and immediately became very ill from kennel cough developing into  serious bronchitis.

Because of that my new family felt sorry for me and treated me like a defenseless little baby. That led to my growing up a little bit bossy and somewhat insecure.

I’m now all grown up, 2 years old, and the youngest human of the family is learning to crawl and I do not care for that. He scares me and I have snapped at him, so my family doesn’t feel capable of addressing my problems with 3 kids in the house.

So I’m looking for someone or a family who will be able to structure me and work with me to make me a great little dog. That doesn’t mean someone who feels sorry for me but rather someone who can be disciplined and teach me how to be friendly with everyone.

Sir McKenzie

I was knighted Sir McKenzie by the Canadian Kennel Club. My glorious days ended when I was purchased to come live in Quebec. I grew  overweight and developed leg problems.

I was surrendered to Sophie’s Dog Adoption after my family separated. I’m a 6 year old Cavalier King Charles. Unfortunately I got so fat that I now weigh close to 50 pounds.

I’m a quiet dog, obviously low energy right now but I hope to get my shape back soon so that I can become active again. So far I’ve demonstrated that I get along with everyone including pets and kids.

I’m looking for a family that will provide all the health care that I will need to keep me comfortable and healthy such as glucosamine and possibly surgery if needed.

Even though I’m only 6 years old I feel ancient and I’m looking for a life of health, exercise and love. Please be the one that will help me rejuvenate.


I’ve been named Picsou by my previous home, I guess they saw me as a cartoon. You see, I was purchased as a puppy and my caretaker was a 10 year old little girl. I was to be her responsibility.

Unfortunately I went from a cute little puppy to a one and half year old un-neutered male and she just couldn’t keep up with my training. So the grown-ups in the family decided she wasn’t doing a good enough job training me so the decision was that I needed a new home.

I’m a very friendly and affectionate Chihuahua, unlike others not barky or nippy. As far as the house training goes, with adults in charge, I’m really catching on fast.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m James, the biggest boy at birth. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Jamal, the second born and the only black one at birth. However, I’m becoming a beautiful blond, yet I’m a boy. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Jacob, I’m the smallest boy with the less spots. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.


Mia was born August 18th 2011 a Boxer / Poodle Mix. Mia had sat in the pet shop since she was 8 weeks old. Her former owners had good attention when they bought her but didn’t realize how much responsibility getting a puppy would be so now she must find her forever home.

Like any puppy Mia will need some training and is not fully house broken but she getting better. She is very playful and loving, even likes to sit on your lap the best she can even though she’s bit of a big girl. Mia rarely barks and is amazing with kids, She would be best in a home that can handle her high energy and will put in the time needed.


I’m Zsa-Zsa and I am a total love bug. Around 6 yrs old, or so. In great shape aside from my teeth needing a good brushing once in a while. I was not fed the best food in the past but my breath is fine….no worries. Looks like I was used as a breeding female and once I was too old to give out regular lucrative litters, I was tossed aside.Can you imagine that? Still so young but not for somebody looking to make a buck off of me.

I was found near Honore-Beaugrand metro wandering all on my own. My body shows I have given birth many times. My state at the time was awful. I was covered in fleas, all matted and had bad ear infections. I’m all better now thanks to Sophie taking me in and getting me all the care I needed. I’m in foster care now living with several dogs and cats and I am getting along famously with everyone. I love people, walks and cuddling. I truly am the perfect dog. No issues, no attitude, no special needs. I never bark. I had my hair shaved because of my previous neglect but once it grows back, I will be even more gorgeous that I already am. I have very pretty colors I’m told.


I’m Edward, a 2 yr old Manchester Terrier. I’m as nice as I am cute. I’m a very good boy with people. I don’t bark and I can stay home alone just fine but I don’t like to be in a crate. I’m very friendly with people including small kids and strangers. I’m not neutered yet so I do mount other dogs and mark indoors. My foster home is working on that with me.

I was quite spoiled so I tend to be possessive and cling to my human. As cute as I am, it is important to show me leadership and not allow me to wrap you around my little paw so to speak. I have 2 daughters who look just like me Celina and Melina, around 6 months old also looking for their own forever homes.


Hello there! I’m Chiko. You may have seen my photo and heard about my sad story on the news this last Summer. I was found in a very emaciated state (see photo 3 ) by 2 good Samaritans who decided to take me home. I was obviously a victim of neglect. I’m now 10 months old and full of energy. Although the couple who rescued me fell madly in love with me, they realize that they lack the experience and time required to take care of me properly. Their wish for me is to find the perfect home where I will get the exercise and training I need. Right now, I lack education but my desire to learn is obvious.

I’m a real love nugget but I have not been taught manners around other dogs and I have a lot of energy I need to release. Regular exercise like daily long walks is very important for my well-being. I spent most of my young life confined to a crate, unable to move, my mouth tied shut it would seem based on my scar and was starved. Imagine how much I love to be free now! I need a calm and confident leader who will understand my needs but not feel sorry for me . I need someone to provide me with structure and of course, much love. I’m neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped.