All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier


Here I am in my new home, I am Rayann, one of Sunshines 7 Rays. I was sad to leave my brother Raylen behind, but I was excited when the family who came to meet us picked me as the newest member of their family. I have become really big but my brother is still much bigger then me. I’m looking forward to growing up in my new home with my human siblings. I hope my brother Raylen gets adopted soon as he was left behind all alone.


Update: I found my forever home and Sophie will finalize my adoption in two weeks once I’m ready for the “chop-chop”.

My name is Ace, I’m nine weeks old and looking for a permanent home. I’m a Maltese / Yorkie mix who was purchased in a pet store less then a week ago by a young couple who just couldn’t resist my cute and pretty face. It didn’t take long for them to realize that it was an impulsive decision and they were not ready for such a commitment.

Knowing how easy it is to end up in the wrong hands, they called Sophie’s Dog Adoption and here I am.

There’s not a whole lot to say about such a young guy as myself other than I seem to be a very mellow and submissive little dude. Obviously my whole future and education / socialization will be in your hands.


I am cute, I am young and my ears are like radars. So I have been named Radar! I’m a ten month old male Min Pin (known as blue Min Pin) but Sophie suspects I might have some Chihuahua as there is something not quite right with my Min Pin look.

I came to Sophie’s Dog Adoption from a Chihuahua / Min Pin “breeder” who has too many dogs in her apartment and has been given ten days to get rid of us all.

I’m extremely skinny and will need to fatten up and learn a little housetraining, but I have a lot of potential and I am sweet, friendly, affectionate and eager to please.


My name is Aaliyah, I’m an eight week old Pitbull mix little girl and here is my story: A young man who is still grieving the tragic loss of his Mom last year thought that getting a puppy would fill that void. He got me from a friend who had my Mum and us little rug rats and so he took me home at the age of six weeks.

After about a week he realized that this was not going to work out, being a student and also working. So one of his friends from school who wanted to help, not wanting me to just end up anywhere, told him that I could come home with her.

She took me home to meet the parents and her seven brothers and sisters and everybody was overjoyed with my arrival, except for Dad! He admired his oldest daughter for stepping up for me, but the reality was that with eight kids, full time jobs and a small apartment, I could not become a permanent member of the family.

So they called Sophie and here I am! I’m am now looking for that forever home but will need someone special. Remember, on my own at the age of six weeks and already bounced around – I have learned to be a feisty, tough and a dominant little Pit and certainly don’t want to end up with issues.


I’m Chuck and I grew up to be a huge boy, I was supposed to be a Shepherd / Pitbull mix but it’s obvious someone in the family was a Great Dane. I was adopted this week by my foster home who saw me grow into the handsome fellow that I am now and couldn’t let me go.

I’m the one who had the lumpy ears that would remain atrophied, well you know what? They turned out to be cute, teeny-tiny ears, they just add to my charm.

I love this new home, a real family with parents, older kids and two older doggy sisters. They taught me everything I know and I respect them.

Walla Walla

Walla Walla is my name and running away was my game. I was found outside of the Indian reservation running around on someones property and being a Pitbull the lady was going to call the pound. Luckily, her grandson stopped a friend on the street to ask him if he could take me since I was such a sweet boy, extremely skinny and neglected and didn’t see much of a future for me if I was returned or sent to the pound.

Guess what the friend did? He called Sophie as he knew that with her I would have a real chance at a good life. So here I am, putting on weight, playing with Olivia, my foster sister – a red nose Pitbull. So far I have shown only good qualities, I walk well on a leash, I’m playful and friendly with other dogs, I seem to be housetrained and love being around people.

I’m looking for a home who will love me, nurture me and feed me as much as my belly needs for a growing boy like me as I’m most likely under two years old.

Levi 3

After a couple of weeks back with Sophie’s Dog Adoption I have become somewhat needy and overly anxious. Even though I’m very impressive, I really am just a big baby who would love to be with someone all the time.

I’m wonderful with all dogs, have no problems with cats and a very friendly and affectionate dude with people I know. I am a Shepherd, so defiantly have that guard dog instinct and will defiantly protect my turf, be it the house, yard or car, I will let people know that I am here. I can at times get a little over protective and will need to learn that not all strangers are bad people.

My stay at Sophie’s is not helping my stress level as she has no time for all of us (the gang) and I’m lacking exercise. I was never happy being alone but in my last home I had another dog to keep me company. Since I’ve lost him, I can’t say that I really enjoy playing with the guys at Sophie’s since they’re half the size of my nose, and would rather go on the road with Sophie all day.

I’m somewhat of a Houdini, I can get out of locked cages, open doors, windows and gates. If I cannot escape I will cry like a baby until I finally see a human I like.

I’m a bit of a challenge both in terms of fostering and adoption as right now I need someone who is very available to work with me on this issue, so needs to be someone who is home allot or who can take me everywhere with them. I really do enjoy the car and can easily stay and protect it while you’re running errands. I guess I figured out that someone always comes back to the car so I have never freaked or panicked when left alone in it.

Sophie jokes around and says it’s to bad this is not Florida because then I could live in the car. And believe me no one would try to break into that car or think of stealing it. I would scare them right into the street, messing their pants.

If you need a big baby like me who will protect you and you’re stuff then contact Sophie as I need both a foster and or my final and forever home.


The statistics don’t lie! First it was Levi 3, then it was Bert and now it’s me, Maverick, who has been returned almost after four years.

Back in 2006 I was a sweet teenage pup, adopted by what I had hoped would be my forever home. Sophie always makes sure there is plan in case of divorce or babies and she was told Mom would never give me up regardless of what life brought her. Grandpa had also told Sophie if there ever was an unforeseeable situation, he would take me in. Unfortunately I came back at the age of four, again looking for a home, and that was almost two years ago. So yoi guessed right, I’m now closer to 6.

You see, there was a separation and I went to stay with Mom. However after two years of being single, now having a “career” that is taking off, now living in a condo, she has decided that I no longer fit her lifestyle. She told Sophie that she feels trapped, I have made her a prisoner, that she loves me very much but it would be selfish for her to keep me as I need more then what she can give me (yea right!).

So the bottom line is I was young, I was cute, I was fun and now I guess I’m just a big black dog. The cuteness is gone, the puppyness is gone and I’m just now a big 90 lbs dog who needs more then she was willing to give me.

I’m great with dogs, kids, people but I don’t do so well around cats, squirrels, bunnies and etc…Les statistiques ne mentent pas! En premier c’était Levi 3, ensuite Bert et maintenant c’est moi, Maverick, qui a été retourné après presque quatre ans.

En 2006 j’étais un cute chiot adolescent, adopté par ce que j’esperais serait ma famille pour toujours. Sophie s’assure toujours qu’il y a un plan en cas de divorce ou bébé et elle s’était fait dire que Maman ne m’abandonnerait jamais peu importe ce que la vie lui amènerait. Même grandpère avait dit qu’en cas de situation difficile, il serait là pour moi. Malheureusement je suis revenu à l’âge de quatre ans, et ça fait maintenant bientôt deux ans. Donc vous avez deviné juste, j’ai bientôt six ans.

La raison est une séparation, au début je suis resté avec Maman. Mais après deux ans seule, et ayant maintenant une “carrière” qui commençait, habitant un condo, elle a décidée que je ne faisais plus parti de son style de vie. Elle a dit qu’elle se sentait coincée, que je la rendais prisonière, qu’elle m’aimait beaucoups mais qu’il serait égoiste pour elle de me garder, car j’ai besoin de plus qu’elle ne peut me donner (yeah right!).

Donc au bout de la ligne, j”étais jeune, j’étais mignon, j’étais amusant et maintenant je ne suis qu’un gros chien noir. L’air mignon est parti, le chiot en moi est parti et je suis maintenant un gros chien de 90 lbs qui a besoin de plus que ce qu’elle était prête a me donner.

Je suis super avec les chiens, enfants, gens mais je n’aime pas du tout les chats, écureuils, lapins, etc…


Hi my name is Twilight but my foster mommy calls me snuggle bug because that is my favorite thing to do.

I am a very affectionate girl that loves to give kisses and get praise when I do good things. I love all people little and big so I am ok for any family. I am looking for a family that can give lots of love and that will keep me forever.

I have made a lot of progress with my walking on leash, I love to run at the dog park and sniff everything. I am working on getting along with other canine friends because I get a little nervous around them. I currently live with a dog and a cat. I love to play tug a war with the other dog of course and with the laser pointer with the cat.

I also love to eat and have been known to eat things that were for my foster mommies if I was left alone, but I have made progress in that department too. I am a very agile girl and love to learn tricks.


This is my new look, shaved from the tip of my nose to the tip of my tail. And the alien cone on my head is so I don’t chew myself up. You see, I had a problem with my glands and that caused massive irritation on my butt. It has to heal so I get to wear this stupid thing.

As for the new look, the groomer who did this couldn’t be bothered to detangle and brush at least some of my matted hair and took the easy way out and shaved me right down. Even the tail! Can you believe it? I feel like a rat and I look like one, but as Sophie says it will grow back.

I’m back with Sophie as this little gland problem stressed out my foster home, Sophie couldn’t rush over there as quickly as they would have liked and so took me to the vet. I came home feeling lighter, but continued rubbing my butt as I was irritated. That stressed them out some more so off we went again to the vet. After a lot of try this, try that, try the other, I was sent home with antibiotics, pain killers and hypoallergenic food and that didn’t help. So I went back for a third time and in the end, anti-diarrhea pills were prescribed at that time by an emergency vet and everything else was to be thrown out.

It’s obvious that my foster home was taken advantage of as Sophie has never had a dog that had a gland problem running a $700 bill. It’s sad to see that a majority of vets are as “honest” as car mechanics.

Tinkie Winkie

Remember that nice family who took Idefix & myself in foster care? Well they have decided to officially adopt me. Despite my anxiety, they just couldn’t resist my good looks, charming personality and simply fell in love.

I have finally found a home where I will have all the love I want, tasty meals, lots of toys and most of all any veterinary care that I may require throughout my life.

British Max

I’m Max the British Spaniel! I’m a beautiful adult male but despite my handsome looks I’m looking for a new home. I have never been left alone as my family had a small business and brought me to work with them.

From the first day I arrived I was fearful of strangers and over the first year growled a few times at people and occasionally the kids at home. I grew up into a beautiful dog, very playful I love to swim and good with the kids. I live with three right now a 14 year old, 4 year old and 8 months old and I’m very gentle and friendly with all of them.

I’m very handsome and fully housetrained but I do have a few bad points that will need some work. I cannot be left alone for a long time, not so great at the dog park as I am a bit dominant (this may change as I was recently neutered) very alert and somewhat growly with strangers.

The reason I’m looking for a new home is that my human brother doesn’t want to walk me more then 10 minutes twice a day and Dad doesn’t have time. So Mom feel bad for me, spending my life sitting, waiting for a short walk, food and back to my place for more sitting and waiting. I’m a good dog and she wants me to have a better and happier life.


Finally at the age of nine month I have also found a new home. I’m Oprah, I had arrived with my two sisters Christelle and Dawn back in the Spring, they had found homes almost immediately while spent my childhood in foster care.

My foster homes helped me become a well adjusted, well socialized, well behaved teenager and I hope to make my new Mom proud.

I hope to be there forever as it will be a great life.


Hello there, my name is Rayko. I’m one of 7 puppies rescued with their mother after being abandoned in a storage unit!

My mum (Sunshine) and my foster mom are working with me to make me a happy, social and well behaved little boy. I get to go for lots of walks but my foster mom can barely make it down the street without people wanting to pet me! They tell me I’m very cute and are very impressed with my docile and friendly nature. I have a soft, healthy, beautiful tan coat with a dark muzzle. My toes and the tip of my tail are white.

I love napping and cuddling and chasing leaves when they blow in the wind.

I’m 2.5 months old now and ready to settle down. What I really want is to be a part of a family as loving as I am and a place to call home.

Briana & Riana

Our names are Briana and Riana and we are sisters. We’re born around the 1st of August and are what is known as Blue Nose Pitbulls. Both our parents are very stocky dogs (between 60 & 80lbs) so we should be big girls.

We are considered rejects because both of us have an underbite so we were given to Sophie’s Dog Adoption to make sure we would not be used for breeding. We hope to stay together a couple more weeks so we can continue our socialization.


My name is Flossy and I arrived from Beirut in December 2009 and I was adopted almost immediately by a wonderful family with a couple of kids who renamed me Cody. I’m about five years old male and having lived in Lebanon all my life, I grew up to be a nervous dog.

Even though this new life in Montreal has been really wonderful for me, I do have some issues which still leave me very nervous around young kids and despite my new family working with me, things are not getting better and I’m not very accepting of the youngest child nor of children who come to visit. I have snapped a few times and even though I have made some progress I really would do better in a calmer environment with no young children. So I’m once again looking for that home who will truly be the right one as I am a real sweetheart.

Tyson 4 – $3,000 later

$3,000 dollars later, I’m still looking for that forever home who will love me unconditionally. Here’s the latest update on me:

One of Sophie’s great foster homes had offered to take me out of hiding and try fostering me with his two old dogs as I’ve always been good with dogs I knew. Being experienced and knowledgable, my foster Dad introduced me to his two old girls and I was in heaven. He called Sophie within the hour to say that I was happier then a pig in shit and was having a great time with the girls. He felt so good about taking me out of there, it looked like it would be a great place until I find that forever home.

Unfortunately it didn’t last, the next thing you know he was calling Sophie to say I had grabbed his dog and injured her pretty badly. She told him to rush to her vet where she met them, and thankfully the injury, even though extensive, turned out to be a huge skin laceration, but no serious damage was caused. Poor old Saffy walked to the scale still wagging her tail.

Even though my foster Dad described the incident as being horrendous, he never saw any aggression but obviously Sophie decided it was time to have me evaluated by a professional to determine at this point whether I should be euthanized as this situation totally surprised her. She has always claimed that I’m very submissive, have no aggression issues, that I was simply not good with some dogs, she started doubting her assessment of me.

I’m ecstatic to have passed the evaluation with flying colors as far as the danger to the public determination made by the city. What seems to happen with me comes from early on (3 to 5 weeks old) when I lacked the socialization needed to learn my limits with other dogs. So basically I see another dog as a toy and shake the hell out of it as I do not understand the screeching and screams coming from the other dog. So the assessment is this, I’m extremely submissive, passive, easy going but have absolutely no aggression issues and certainly do not pose a threat or danger to humans. Of course I can never go out without a muzzle, cannot go to dog parks, and can only interact and play with other dogs wearing a tight fitted muzzle that cannot come off, as I really do love the company of other dogs.

Sophie is therefore going to try to get my death sentence lifted so I can return into a normal environment and get out of this cell. My evaluator told Sophie that keeping me here will not affect me as I’m so easy going, however let me tell you I hate it here and want to get out!

All the money that has been spent to keep me alive means less to save others and I feel really bad, but Sophie would never have put me down just because of financial reasons. So if you want to help you can make a donation or by buying Sophie a coffee, every little bit will help. Hugs and kisses to all of you who are rooting for me, I will soon be free again! As they say in New Hampshire, LIVE FREE or DIE.

Chico 4

My name is Chico 4. I am a miniature Pinscher, about 1 and a half years old, and looking for the right home.

I am right now, an ankle biter, I walk you down the street (on my hind legs), I want to lunge at everything that moves (bikes, roller blades, etc..) but Sophie has been working hard with me so I am no longer the boss…..

I am a quick learner, but I will need someone who can structure me, otherwise I will always remain a little pain in the butt.

I am very affectionate, try to play the ‘macho card’ sometimes by showing my teeth, pretending to want to bite (I put my teeth on your hands, but don’t really put any pressure)…. so I definitely don’t want to bounce around from home to home because I am a ‘typical’ pinscher.