All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier

Sunshine and the 7 Rays

I’m Sunshine the young mom who was found with my 7 newborn puppies. My little Rays are almost seven weeks old and are now quite active, they are huge and have become quite a handful and are driving me and my foster mom crazy.

We are now looking for foster homes who can take my little ones in pairs, as it is too much for one person to handle all seven. This will help with their socialization until they are old enough to leave the nest for good.

I have four boys: Rayko, Raymond, Raylen, Rayven and three girls: Raylee, Raynelle, Rayann and they are all absolutely gorgeous.

You can see more pictures of the puppies taken from their foster homes on Facebook.

Raynelle –

Rayann & Raylen –

Tiger 2

Update: I ran away last month and I’ve still not been found.

I’m Tiger 2 a five year old miniature Poodle and ever since my foster home left for vacation at the end of July I have been bouncing around looking for a new foster home.

I had a bad, bad start in life and that has left me very fearful of this big world. Basically strangers freak me out, and everyone is a stranger until they become a friend. I have bitten a couple of times so no one wants to be my friend. This last incident bounced me right back to Sophie because I attacked and ripped someones pants in the park.

I really am a charming sweet loving affectionate little Poodle and get along with all pets (cats & dogs) but I am a one person dog. So no kids and a very calm environment for me is where I will truly shine.


Went to work with Noushka the three-legged Shepherd that came from Lebanon in her potential forever home on some of her issues while walking on leash. Of course she was on her best behavior most of the walk but displayed some of her fears which should be resolved with a little work on the family’s part. If all continues to go well she should have her home shortly.

Sophie working with Jika

Sophie is on her way back from working with Jika, a one year old Sheltie mix who has some serious leash aggression and barking issues. After being told by Animatch to have her put down, the family turned to Sophie’s Dog Adoption in order to save her life. Since Sophie is full she offered to work with Jika instead. The first session went very well and she will eventually have a wonder life.

Tyson 4 – In August

Urgent, Urgent, Urgent

I’m Tyson 4, my name, breed and attitude towards certain dogs make me unpopular. However I am the sweetest and most charming dog you’ll ever meet. Unfortunately I bit another dog on the street (no damage was done) but Sophie’s Dog Adoption was sent a notice to have me euthanized within 48 hours. SHE WON’T LET THAT HAPPEN.

So I’m in hiding and have been for two weeks and this is getting expensive and stressful so I need another place. I’m a 3 year old Pitbull, I’m great with kids, cats, people and could learn to socialize with other dogs. I just need the chance to stay alive. If you can’t foster me please be generous and donate funds to keep me in hiding, stressful and boring is better than the other options.



My name is Boy. I am a sweet 7 year old dog who has lived a life tied to a dog house outdoors, and once my family decided I was ready to throw away and get a new puppy, some wonderful lady took me in to save my life. My breed has been a total guess, some said a mixture of Rotweiler/ChowChow, some said maybe Bouvier des Flandres/ChowChow, but after being with Sophie’s Dog adoption for several months, there is a good possibility I could be some kind of Otterhound mix. I have the characteristics and temperament, so it could very well be.

I have proven to be very good with the kids, but I can get excitable with excited, young kids, and huge dogs with little kids don’t usually mix too well. I am great with people, but have some ‘leash aggression’ when I meet other dogs. When off leash, it can go well, or it can go not so well. I definitely need someone who can work with me on socialization with other dogs, or keep me away from them.

I looooove the indoors. This family who took me in really showed me the life! I don’t ever want to end up outside again, even though I am big and hairy, I am no Bigfoot! I don’t belong outdoors, I am a big Teddy Bear who will keep you warm at night if you’ll let me!

I am a very good boy, I can stay alone during the day, am not destructive, of course due to my age not high-energy, but always willing to go with you. I love car rides, even if it’s to go to the corner store. But it’s always better to walk me there as I don’t like my nails being clipped, so I need to trim them by walking regularly.

I also love playing fetch, so someone who wants to spend some time throwing a ball around with me would keep me in shape.

Spike 2

I am Spike 2. I am a sweet, smart, cute 5 month old (born in January 2010) and probably a Beagle/Boxer mix. I may have something else, like maybe Husky, as if you look at me very closely, you will see a faint mask above my eyes.

I am very smart, have learned how to heel, wait, sit, lay down, stay, go ahead and am fully housetrained. Of course, due to my young age, I am being crated during the day in order not to chew stuff up while you’re at work, but I am not a handful of a puppy.

I am very mellow indoors, and full of energy when it’s time to play outside. I love other dogs, kids, and could definitely live with cats as well.


My name is Rouckey. I am a beautiful, tall Boxer, and I am looking for a new home. I lived in a family with 2 kids, and my mom became a single mom so I ended up being too much. I spent lots of time alone and she felt it was not fair. After all, I am a boxer and I need to run and exercise.

I am 2 years old, absolutely gorgeous and very friendly. I just arrived and am a little stressed and fearful, so I will be evaluated and worked with so I become a good family dog.

I get along wonderfully with other dogs, young, old, large and small, and am supposed to be good with cats. I obviously love kids, am very tolerant and playful with them.


My name is Twix. I am a 9 month old Pug/Beagle mix (a little tall – but hey….), sweet as can be, very smart, obedient and friendly.

I am great with other dogs, love to play, good with cats, great with kids and just love people. I love attention, being petted, but I can be on my own to play with my toys as well. I have a thing for squeaky toys, I love those more than others!

I am good to stay alone during the day, I am fully housetrained, not a big barker as a rule, and very sweet. Still need a little work on the leah, but everything else I am very good at. I have had 3 basic courses with my first family, so not totally ignorant!


My new name is Gaetan, nicknamed Guy by my foster home. I am a mix, the guess is Boxer / Rhodesian Ridgeback due to my size and color. I am the sweetest guy, I was found as a stray and no one has come looking for me in the past 3 months. I was being held at a vet clinic in hopes someone would look for me, but in vain, so I was sent to Sophie’s Dog Adoption.

I am really sweet. Good with other dogs, calm during the day (don’t need a crate when I’m alone), would be good with kids as I am very gentle, well behaved and friendly. I am a loving boy, but curious about cats so I would need to learn how to behave around them.

Everything else about me is wonderful.


My name is Seymour, and my journey has been a sad and deceiving one. My breeds are a guess, possibly Beagle, maybe Pitbull, maybe Lab, or maybe anything totally different than those, it’s a mystery.

I originally came to Sophies Dog Adoption at the age of 5, and I was adopted by a wonderful gentleman who gave me this dignified name of Seymour (I used to be known as Patapouf – seriously!). I am now 9 years old, and unfortunately have to look for a new home once again.

I had a wonderful life, but the last year of his life has been rough and I really helped him get through a lot of things. Unfortunately, being originally from Europe, he decided to go back and see if there was more luck at earning a living over there, and was really hoping to have me sent back to him.

Sophie offered to take me back in foster care for about 6 months in hopes that my Dad would be able to get his life together enough for me to go live in Europe with him, but it looks like it will not happen or at least not for another year or so, and due to my age now, he has decided to let Sophie find me a new home in order to have a stable life for my retirement years.

I am the best! Good with kids, cats, other dogs, I love people and am a wonderfully calm and quiet dog. I can stay alone while you’re at work without getting myself in trouble or making a mess, I am not a barker, I am just a loving soul in need of a loving family.