I’m Sunshine the young mom who was found with my 7 newborn puppies. My little Rays are almost seven weeks old and are now quite active, they are huge and have become quite a handful and are driving me and my foster mom crazy.
We are now looking for foster homes who can take my little ones in pairs, as it is too much for one person to handle all seven. This will help with their socialization until they are old enough to leave the nest for good.
I have four boys: Rayko, Raymond, Raylen, Rayven and three girls: Raylee, Raynelle, Rayann and they are all absolutely gorgeous.
You can see more pictures of the puppies taken from their foster homes on Facebook.
Raynelle – http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=232240&id=596363499&l=36d0f374a9
Rayann & Raylen – http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=206006&id=513633945&l=2c378c469d