All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier


I am Tatoo, a 6 year old Jack Russell who originally came to Sophie’s Dog Adoption at the age of 2.  I was obese and very mellow, but with time I lost so much weight that I became a typical, high energy Jack Russell.  So as you can imagine, it took some time before I found my home.

Eventually, I went to live with a young man who suffered from mental health issues and I became the best therapy for him.  I have changed his life in many  many positive ways, but I always had a love of food and could get grumpy if I didn’t get “enough”.  So this nice man gave in….. and the weight is back on.

Unfortunately here we are 4 years later, and my dad is not well right now, and I have become a bit of a challenge for him on leash, as many people let their dogs come up and sniff me, and I don’t care for that.  This problem led to some arguments on the streets with other dog owners, and my dad is becoming very insecure of getting himself in trouble over the fact that he tries to stand up for me.    So he called  Sophie back knowing that she would be able to find me a new forever home where my needs would be met.  So, here I am waiting for that perfect new home to come find me.

I have developed some minor issues but nothing that an experienced dog lover can’t correct. A bit of resource guarding and some leash aggression. I’ll be receiving some training under Sophie’s care and will surely find balance again in no time.

Je suis Tatoo, un Jack Russell de 6 ans qui est arrivé la première fois à Sophie’s Dog Adoption à l’âge de 2 ans. J’étais  obèse et très tranquille, mais avec le temps j’ai perdu tellement de poids que je suis devenu un Jack Russell typique, très énergétique. Donc comme vous pouvez imaginer, ça a pris un certain temps avant de trouver une famille.

Éventuellement, je suis allé vivre avec un jeune homme qui souffrait de troubles mentaux et je suis devenu la meilleure thérapie pour lui.  J’ai changé sa vie de tant de façon positive, mais il me donnait beaucoup a manger et je pouvais devenir “grincheux” si je n’en avais pas “assez”. Donc ce gentil jeune homme m’en donnait…… et le poids est revenu.

Malheureusement nous sommes maintenant 4 ans plus tard, et mon père n’est pas bien en ce moment, donc je suis devenu un peu plus difficile pour lui en laisse, car beaucoup de gens laissent leurs chiens venir me sentir, et je n’aime pas beaucoup ça. Ce problème a occasionné certains arguments sur la rue avec d’autres propriétaires de chiens, et mon père est devenait de plus en plus insécure de se retrouver avec des problàmes car il me défendait. Donc il a rapellé Sophie sachant qu’elle pourrait me trouver une autre famille qui pourrait subvenir à mes besoins. Alors me voici, en attente d’une famille parfaite qui viendra me trouver.

J’ai développé quelques problèmes mineur mais rien qu’un amoureux des chiens expérimenté ne pourra corriger.  Un  peu de protection de mes choses et un peu d’agression en laisse. Je vais recevoir une certaine base durant mon séjour chez Sophie et je redeviendrai un chien équilibré en peu de temps.

Class action lawsuit against the City of Montreal

I’m looking for citizens who had their pets seized by the City of Montreal for various reasons including those who received an order to euthanize. Plans are under way to file for an authorization for a class action lawsuit against the city.

The City has refused to conform itself with two Superior Court Judgements that declare their methods invalid and illegal.

The 2007 case with Mario Paquet, nothing changed. The 2011 case with Sophie’s Dog Adoption and still nothing has changed. The City is still issuing bogus euthanasia orders. The city’s actions are in such a way as to interfere with the orderly administration of justice.

Enough is enough, the City hasn’t amended it’s By-law to reflect the invalidity of their By-law. We currently have proof that the City is still doing what it shouldn’t. I’m now reaching out to the public to gather more proof to justify a class action lawsuit. If you would like to get involved contact Sophie’s Dog Adoption at 514-523-5052 by phone or via e-mail at

Le Berger Blanc Inc. fell into a bucket of bleach

Where is Diva now? This is the official version from Berger Blanc of the Diva saga; how it all started and how it ended.

After speaking with Catherine Leclerc at the Berger Blanc, it would appear that Diva who in fact was named Chanelle was reported lost on the 7th of January by a lady who had lost a female brindle Pit bull with a scar on her side.

According to Ms. Leclerc a discussion ensued with an out of town dog catcher who had placed a trap to “rescue” this stray dog, to which Berger Blanc told this dog catcher to remove her cage as they would set one up since it was their contract, their job, their deal and in the end their dog if not claimed. After all it is a territorial issue. The dog catcher claimed she had a “foster home” who could take this dog in, Berger Blanc told the dog catcher to have her “foster home” contact Berger Blanc.

The dog catcher eventually told Berger Blanc that the dog was going to be surrendered to what Berger Blanc described as a sort of “commune” that helps find them homes. Their view on this was why should they release the dog since they had no plans on euthanizing her. A business is a business Berger Blanc says to themselves, why should the dog catcher make the buck. The fact that she fed the dog and spent hours trying to catch her does not make her the dogs guardian.

When the dog arrived at Berger Blanc, they unsuccessfully tried to reach the owner. Before the 5th day the owner contacted Berger Blanc and according to them it was a beautiful reunion between the lady and her dog. As far as they are concerned this case is over and one of their happy endings.

Le Berger Blanc Inc. is no longer white, it’s always been dirty

imageDiva was picked up as a stray by the Berger Blanc on the 17th of January 2012. On the 16th Berger Blanc was notified that she was running around in the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district of Montreal. A group of amateurs and professional dog catchers spent the week prior trying to catch her, but to no avail. The next day Berger Blanc captures her, what led to her capture is currently unknown but Berger Blanc did what others failed to do in a day.

Since Diva was running around the Port of Montreal, we feared what the Montreal Police would do, that motivated a team of amateurs and professional to catch her. This summer the SPVM shot down a stray Pitbull with 12 bullets, so the race to find Diva was fueled.

When the word got out that Diva was at the Berger Blanc, the good Samaritan that had been trying to catch her the week prior had offered to take her out on the 5th day. That is if she hadn’t been claimed by her owners, the good Samaritans wanted her to be put up for adoption with a rescue that had room. The Berger Blanc had agreed, but that never happened.

Diva ‘disappeared’ from the Berger Blanc’s website, while the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Mayor Réal Ménard was notified before she was caught by Berger Blanc, the City of Montreal Richard Deschamps, his attaché M. Purcell and Director Sylvie Aubin were also notified when she was caught and they all ignored the problem at hand.

This isn’t the first time a dog disappears from the Berger Blanc. Back in the early 2000’s Public Security of the City of Cote-Saint-Luc had found a stray, they logged the tag number, called the owner, got an answering machine. They left a message with the owner that Public Security had found their dog and sent him to the Berger Blanc, that they had 3 days to go pick him up.

Public Security made a log of the drop-off, the owner was at the Berger Blanc within the hour and his dog had disappeared. Of course the City’s administration once faced with a legal challenge from it’s citizens decided to cancel the Berger Blanc contract on the spot. The Berger Blanc failed to protect the Public’s property, owned by the City while it’s a stray, the City had a legal duty to protect it’s citizens pets while in their legal custody.

So keep your eyes open for Diva, we don’t think she will be euthanized versus leaving the Berger Blanc from the back door.

Update: 14 hours after the Berger Blanc had updated their website to remove Diva’s listing, 7 hours after this article was published the Berger Blanc website was updated once again to list Diva as reuinted. No news from the Berger Blanc or the good Samaritans.

Update: Berger Blanc was willing to talk, read all about it here.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Janie, the only girl. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.

Luna 4

I’m Luna 4, a sweet Pitbull who’s already had two litters at the age of 1 and a half. I’ve already had several homes and my last owner went to jail so I went to a friend who gave me to his friend who gave me to another friend who’s mother afraid of me.

So here I am with Sophie’s Dog Adoption where I am hoping to find that last, forever, wonderful home I’ve been dreaming of since I started to walk.

Despite my bouncing around I have remained a typical loving and charming Pitbull, I all want is love and kisses.

Theo 2

I’m Theo 2, a small and friendly little Yorkshire. I was purchased at Berger Blanc at the age of six month and immediately became very ill from kennel cough developing into  serious bronchitis.

Because of that my new family felt sorry for me and treated me like a defenseless little baby. That led to my growing up a little bit bossy and somewhat insecure.

I’m now all grown up, 2 years old, and the youngest human of the family is learning to crawl and I do not care for that. He scares me and I have snapped at him, so my family doesn’t feel capable of addressing my problems with 3 kids in the house.

So I’m looking for someone or a family who will be able to structure me and work with me to make me a great little dog. That doesn’t mean someone who feels sorry for me but rather someone who can be disciplined and teach me how to be friendly with everyone.

Sir McKenzie

I was knighted Sir McKenzie by the Canadian Kennel Club. My glorious days ended when I was purchased to come live in Quebec. I grew  overweight and developed leg problems.

I was surrendered to Sophie’s Dog Adoption after my family separated. I’m a 6 year old Cavalier King Charles. Unfortunately I got so fat that I now weigh close to 50 pounds.

I’m a quiet dog, obviously low energy right now but I hope to get my shape back soon so that I can become active again. So far I’ve demonstrated that I get along with everyone including pets and kids.

I’m looking for a family that will provide all the health care that I will need to keep me comfortable and healthy such as glucosamine and possibly surgery if needed.

Even though I’m only 6 years old I feel ancient and I’m looking for a life of health, exercise and love. Please be the one that will help me rejuvenate.


I’ve been named Picsou by my previous home, I guess they saw me as a cartoon. You see, I was purchased as a puppy and my caretaker was a 10 year old little girl. I was to be her responsibility.

Unfortunately I went from a cute little puppy to a one and half year old un-neutered male and she just couldn’t keep up with my training. So the grown-ups in the family decided she wasn’t doing a good enough job training me so the decision was that I needed a new home.

I’m a very friendly and affectionate Chihuahua, unlike others not barky or nippy. As far as the house training goes, with adults in charge, I’m really catching on fast.

The PRU facilities v. HSI facilities

PRU had old pig pens converted for dogs with running water and an automatic cleaning system; HSI had travel crates stacked up which need to be manually cleaned. PRU welcomed the media and public with open arms to visit their facilities while HSI turned a Transport Quebec garage in Lachute into Fort Knox, an impenetrable fortress.

What did HSI have to hide?

A LOT of the small dogs were so lethargic they couldn’t even stand up on their own.

Many of the big dogs were VERY thin…. I won’t say skinny…. because I do know healthy dogs that are VERY thin because of their metabolisms… So I wouldn’t say weight was my main concern..but for some…yes it was. These dogs were like this when they arrived.

NOW…. what I found even more appalling was the way this place was organized.  UNFORTUNATELY… I was not allowed to take pictures or video.. or I would have. I am not sure who was leading this thing… the humane  society??? not sure  so many organizations were around….

All the volunteers seemed to have the best intentions. HOWEVER…. the conditions these dogs were in were insane.

I work at a Grooming Salon…. and I went in to help with the more severe grooming needs… medicated baths…. shaving out very bad mats that could lead to skin irritations…. cleaning out ears & paws to help with infections etc…..

When I got there… there was a very badly organized grooming team. They had a list of dogs that had to be done in order of priority…however when we got these “priority” dogs out of their cages… they were OBVIOUSLY not that bad. A few knots here and there but nothing like what we were seeing…when we tried to take out the dogs that were most in need… we would get in trouble.

FINALLY… we just left to cut some nails where the big dogs were (their nails were INSANELY LONG and we were worried about the dogs splitting them and than causing infections) When I saw the big dog warehouse.. OH MY GOD was bad. I think they might have been better off at the puppy mill. The cement floors of the kennels were COVERED in pee and poo…… and I KNOW the volunteers cleaned every cage VERY often.. almost every hour or 2.. but the paws of the dogs were never cleaned. These dogs were getting infections and sores between their pads… I THINK because they were soaking in their own waste!!!

We wanted to take each dog out individually to wash their paws and maybe apply some kind of paw wax to help protect their pads…but apparently that was not a “priority”…and even though we said we would stay later than our 8 hours we were originally gonna stay.. we were not allowed.

ANOTHER THING… only the big dogs are taken out of their cages, and even at that.. only the VERY large ones like the great danes….dogo argentinos etc.. and they only get to go outside to pee and poo and then come back in their cages right away. I UNDERSTAND that they have limited time and volunteers…but there were people willing to stay extra time to do it and they were not allowed! the little dogs r not taken out of cages unless to clean the cages or to wash the dog.

ANYWAYS… I just wanted to let you know my point of view since I saw how the dogs were when they arrived and how they just got worse staying there….

  • By an Anonymous volunteer.

With HSI collecting $800,000 in donation, charging PRU $500,000 in boarding fees which MAPAQ by law is responsible for, one would think these dogs were now provided with the best possible care. HSI makes off with $200,000 in profits for putting these dogs in conditions worse then where they originated from! Why were volunteers forced to leave their cell phones and cameras at the door? What about the 150 or so dogs that needed around the clock vet care? Dog shit it was, the only one on site around the clock was the security guard.

Does HSI, AQ and MAPAQ only care about the end sales?

La Société pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux (SPCA) de l’Outaouais prévoit une hausse de ses dépenses avec l’arrivée de la nouvelle loi sur la protection des animaux, en juin prochain. Pour amortir ses coûts, l’organisme devra se fier davantage sur la vente d’animaux retirés des chenils et chatteries insalubres, comme elle l’a fait avec les bêtes saisies dans le Pontiac, en septembre dernier.

The new version of the P-42 as suggested by Bill 51 solves this problem. HSI failed to provide better conditions and it was allowed to legally plunder PRU by doing what real puppy mills do, that is, to provide as little care as possible for a profitable return. So how was the animals’ welfare to benefit from this seizure? HSI sold the puppies, PRU would have sold the puppies. This wasn’t a case of hoarding, eventually the puppies all face the same faith by being purchased by humans. So why do we allow such legal plunder to financially benefit HSI and SPCAs? It solved nothing.

Section 55.9.8 of the Act is amended by adding the following paragraphs at the end:

“The seized animal may be kept at the place of seizure if the owner or occupant of the premises agrees to it in writing, according to the terms agreed to by the parties. If the owner or occupant of the premises does not agree to such custody or fails to respect the terms attached to it, the seizor may apply to a judge for authorization to keep the seized animal on site, according to the terms and conditions that the judge deems appropriate.

In the case of an emergency, the seizor may, before obtaining authorization from a judge, establish interim custody measures to ensure the safety and welfare of the animal.”

Is the P-42 constitutionally legal?

The Animal Health Protection Act of Quebec is what we can call a rag. Well that’s what the Sureté du Quebec once called it while comparing it to the Criminal Code.

So let’s examine the P-42 so that it can be put to the test using the Charter of Quebec. We shall also examine the PRU and CCM cases, where a loophole in the P-42 allows MAPAQ to get a disposal order from the Court of Quebec.

55.9.10. The seized animal must be returned to the person from whom it was seized if no proceedings have been instituted within 90 days after the date of seizure. In addition, if it is decided before the expiry of that period that no proceedings will be instituted, the animal must be returned as soon as possible to the person from whom it was seized.

A justice of the peace may, however, order the period of seizure extended by not more than 90 days.

However, if the owner or custodian of the animal is unknown or cannot be found, the seized animal shall be confiscated by the seizor, but not before the expiry of seven days after the date of seizure. It shall then be disposed of by the seizor.

1993, c. 18, s. 6; 2000, c. 40, s. 32.

So  if no legal proceedings are taken within 90 days of seizure, the seized animal(s) must be returned. If it is decided before the 90 days are up that no charges are to be laid, the animal(s) must be returned ASAP (to avoid additional boarding fees).

55.9.11. Upon the service of a statement of offence, the seizor shall, except where an agreement has been made with the owner or custodian of the animal, apply to a judge of the Court of Québec or of a municipal court for permission to dispose of the animal.

Prior notice of the application, of at least three clear days, shall be served on the person from whom the animal was seized, and he may contest the application.

The judge shall rule on the application taking into consideration the safety and welfare of the animal and, where applicable, the expenses caused by the continuation of seizure. He may order that the animal be returned to the person from whom it was seized, that it be kept under seizure until a final judgment, or that it be sold or slaughtered. If he orders that it be returned, the return may take place only upon payment of the expenses incurred for the animal’s keep. If he orders that it be sold, the product of the sale is remitted to the person from whom the animal was seized, after deduction of the expenses incurred for its keep. If he orders that the animal be kept under seizure until a final judgment is made, he shall order the person from whom the animal was seized to pay to the seizor, in addition to previous expenses incurred for the animal’s keep, an advance on future expenses for the animal’s keep in accordance with the terms and conditions fixed by him.

The judge may order that the animal be confiscated if the applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of payment of the advance, and he shall return the animal to the seizor for disposal.

1993, c. 18, s. 6.

Here in article 55.9.11, one can assume it’s existence is to avoid having to wait out the 90 days’ grace period leading to a future trial date (perhaps a year later), therefore releasing the animal(s) for “disposal”. If someone wants to defend the charges in Court, they are forced to pre-pay the boarding fees until the trial date.

55.21. The owner, custodian or possessor of what has been seized may apply to a judge to obtain the release of it.

The application shall be served on the seizor or, where proceedings are instituted, on the prosecutor.

The judge shall grant the application if he is of opinion that the applicant will suffer serious or irreparable prejudice if the seizure of the property is maintained, and that the release of the property will not hinder justice.

1986, c. 53, s. 17; 1991, c. 61, s. 30; 1992, c. 61, s. 488.

Court costs will inevitably be incurred to the owner if he decides to apply for a release of his animal(s), prior to a disposal order being sought by the seizor. Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Obviously with this P-42, it doesn’t matter.  That’s how Anima-Quebec and MAPAQ fund themselves. Sophie exposed this loophole back in August of 2011 to Natalie Hebert of MAPAQ who refused to enforce it at the time. Sophie wanted MAPAQ to seize a pack of dogs in Lachute and while they studied the case, the dogs would be cared for.

Instead they used this loophole to legally plunder PRU and the CCM, yet they ignore O’Ranch and the two packs of dogs living outside (that we know of). One in St-Lin and another near Ste-Elisabeth. Since Sophie introduced the loophole to MAPAQ, let’s introduce the Quebec Charter against MAPAQ.

Presumption of innocence

6.(1) Where an enactment creates an offence and authorizes a punishment to be imposed in respect of that offence,

  • (a) a person shall be deemed not to be guilty of the offence until he is convicted or discharged under section 730 of the offence; and
  • (b) a person who is convicted or discharged under section 730 of the offence is not liable to any punishment in respect thereof other than the punishment prescribed by this Act or by the enactment that creates the offence.

So this bring me to question whether the P-42 is even legal. In both cases (PRU & CCM), neither Judge were interested in the trial proof versus the boarding fees. The CCM Judge didn’t allow various arguments because the Attorney General of Quebec wasn’t present, therefore constitutional arguments were not allowed. PRU settled out of Court in order to avoid paying the boarding fees and to simply start again, as it legally can. As a business move, that was the logical option since re-stocking was cheaper. The CCM doesn’t have a trial date yet, but his dogs are being sold. Boarding fees are punishment, a financial injury caused by MAPAQ, therefore a legal plunder.

Victims of Lawful Plunder

Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter — by peaceful or revolutionary means — into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it.

Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they, in turn, seize the power to make laws! Until that happens, the few practice lawful plunder upon the many, a common practice where the right to participate in the making of law is limited to a few persons. But then, participation in the making of law becomes universal. And then, men seek to balance their conflicting interests by universal plunder. Instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general. As soon as the plundered classes gain political power, they establish a system of reprisals against other classes. They do not abolish legal plunder. (This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead, they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder, even though it is against their own interests.

It is as if it were necessary, before a reign of justice appears, for everyone to suffer a cruel retribution — some for their evilness, and some for their lack of understanding.

The Law by Frédéric Bastiat

The Results of Legal Plunder

It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.

What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

In the first place, it erases from everyone’s conscience the distinction between justice and injustice.

No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree. The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence, and it would be difficult for a person to choose between them.

The nature of law is to maintain justice. This is so much the case that, in the minds of the people, law and justice are one and the same thing. There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also legitimate. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are “just” because law makes them so. Thus, in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it. Slavery, restrictions, and monopoly find defenders not only among those who profit from them but also among those who suffer from them.

The Law by Frédéric Bastiat

How to Identify Legal Plunder

But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.

Then abolish this law without delay, for it is not only an evil itself, but also it is a fertile source for further evils because it invites reprisals. If such a law — which may be an isolated case — is not abolished immediately, it will spread, multiply, and develop into a system.

The person who profits from this law will complain bitterly, defending his acquired rights. He will claim that the state is obligated to protect and encourage his particular industry; that this procedure enriches the state because the protected industry is thus able to spend more and to pay higher wages to the poor workingmen.

Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests. The acceptance of these arguments will build legal plunder into a whole system. In fact, this has already occurred. The present-day delusion is an attempt to enrich everyone at the expense of everyone else; to make plunder universal under the pretense of organizing it.

The Law by Frédéric Bastiat

So with the P-42 as it stands now, it is impossible for one to maintain that he/she is innocent without having to pay the fees prior to being proven guilty. This can therefore “damage” one’s reputation if he/she cannot afford to pay such boarding fees prior to trial. MAPAQ wrote it, they can do as they want. Sophie still ponders it’s legal validity, therefore she’ll be once again asking the Superior Courts for a declaratory answer. Politicians wrote laws, the Superior Courts can erase laws.

We can rip the P-42 to shreds, equality, the right of use, etc… Just about every article violates another law, be it the Quebec & Canadian Charters, Quebec’s Civil Code and even the Criminal Code. How can the P-42 not have any laws regarding shelter when the Criminal Code does? This means criminal charges can be laid on the system when they ignore the Criminal Code!

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.

Edmund Burke


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m James, the biggest boy at birth. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Jamal, the second born and the only black one at birth. However, I’m becoming a beautiful blond, yet I’m a boy. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.


I’m one of four Shih-Tzu puppies who where born on November 8th, 2011, three boys and one girl. Our mom is Zsa-Zsa the Shih-Tzu who was found in a state of neglect. Unfortunately we came as a surprise as it was obvious mom had many litters but didn’t look pregnant when found.

I’m Jacob, I’m the smallest boy with the less spots. We are all very lively, friendly and learning quickly to socialize well with our siblings and our foster “dad”. In fact, since mommy was a puppy-mill dog, by the time we were four weeks old she was starting to turn us down from nursing.

At that point, she decided to take a break and therefore our foster “dad”, Tarzan has been doing all the socialization and teaching that mom should be doing. We are now ready to start going into permanent homes and are looking be adopted by committed people who will love us our entire life.

We had the chance of being born in the care of Sophie’s Dog Adoption which gives us a better chance at a real life then if we had been sold to pet shots. Don’t abandon us and we will be the most faithful friend you will ever have.

The People v. The System

Tired of hearing the same broken record over and over again by the “system” when dealing with animal abuse and neglect? The same tune keeps on playing, time after time, the “system” claims it has weak laws, no funds, and bigger problems to deal with. Do we really lack laws? Is the P-42 even constitutionally legal? What’s the deal with Anima-Quebec and it’s partnered SPCAs?

I think the problem is none of the above, the problem I see is simply incompetent people in charge. Anima-Quebec is a joke, MAPAQ the author of said joke. Only Anima-Quebec and MAPAQ can enforce the P-42 law (The Animal Health Protection Act of Quebec), the police can’t touch it. MAPAQ and Anima-Quebec make deals in order to avoid pressing charges, because the Crown Prosecutors are usually unwilling to accept said charges due to a lack of proof showing “intent” on the part of the defendant, as well as due to a job poorly done by the “system” in creating the so-called information file, the file used to prosecute the case in front of a Judge.

If one branch of the system is incompetent, we look at another branch such as the police to enforce the Criminal Code. Articles 445 and 446 specifically. The criminal code is a Federal law, applicable to all Provinces.

Causing unnecessary suffering

445.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who

  • (a) wilfully causes or, being the owner, wilfully permits to be caused unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to an animal or a bird;
  • (b) in any manner encourages, aids or assists at the fighting or baiting of animals or birds;
  • (c) wilfully, without reasonable excuse, administers a poisonous or an injurious drug or substance to a domestic animal or bird or an animal or a bird wild by nature that is kept in captivity or, being the owner of such an animal or a bird, wilfully permits a poisonous or an injurious drug or substance to be administered to it;
  • (d) promotes, arranges, conducts, assists in, receives money for or takes part in any meeting, competition, exhibition, pastime, practice, display or event at or in the course of which captive birds are liberated by hand, trap, contrivance or any other means for the purpose of being shot when they are liberated; or
  • (e) being the owner, occupier or person in charge of any premises, permits the premises or any part thereof to be used for a purpose mentioned in paragraph (d).


(2) Every one who commits an offence under subsection (1) is guilty of

  • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
  • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term of not more than eighteen months or to both.

Failure to exercise reasonable care as evidence

(3) For the purposes of proceedings under paragraph (1)(a), evidence that a person failed to exercise reasonable care or supervision of an animal or a bird thereby causing it pain, suffering or injury is, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, proof that the pain, suffering or injury was caused or was permitted to be caused wilfully, as the case may be.

Presence at baiting as evidence

(4) For the purpose of proceedings under paragraph (1)(b), evidence that an accused was present at the fighting or baiting of animals or birds is, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, proof that he or she encouraged, aided or assisted at the fighting or baiting.

  • 2008, c. 12, s. 1.

Causing damage or injury

446. (1) Every one commits an offence who

  • (a) by wilful neglect causes damage or injury to animals or birds while they are being driven or conveyed; or
  • (b) being the owner or the person having the custody or control of a domestic animal or a bird or an animal or a bird wild by nature that is in captivity, abandons it in distress or wilfully neglects or fails to provide suitable and adequate food, water, shelter and care for it.


(2) Every one who commits an offence under subsection (1) is guilty of

  • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
  • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months or to both.

Failure to exercise reasonable care as evidence

(3) For the purposes of proceedings under paragraph (1)(a), evidence that a person failed to exercise reasonable care or supervision of an animal or a bird thereby causing it damage or injury is, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, proof that the damage or injury was caused by wilful neglect.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 446; 2008, c. 12, s. 1.

So the Police can replace SPCAs, Anima-Quebec and MAPAQ to investigate and lay charges, they at least know how to build these so-called information files! The problem in laying charges, is it won’t allow the police to seize unless they can see immediate danger to the animal. They can’t “search” without a warrant, a failure to provide reasonable care won’t validate a seize as per the criminal code. Animals are property and expropriation laws apply. If the police can’t legally seize, why can MAPAQ, Anima-Quebec and SPCAs? Why replace the police with administrative authorities? In order to violate Human Rights using  the P-42 as law!

Getting the police to act is not easy, most officers claim they have humans to protect, animals are not on their list. It’s the SPCA’s job they claim. Wrong they are! Enforcing the Criminal Code is their job. If they refuse to act, or if an SPCA or City refuses to act, said “authorities” can be charged under the Criminal Code, article 180.

Common nuisance

180. (1) Every one who commits a common nuisance and thereby

  • (a) endangers the lives, safety or health of the public, or

  • (b) causes physical injury to any person,

is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.


(2) For the purposes of this section, every one commits a common nuisance who does an unlawful act or fails to discharge a legal duty and thereby

  • (a) endangers the lives, safety, health, property or comfort of the public; or

  • (b) obstructs the public in the exercise or enjoyment of any right that is common to all the subjects of Her Majesty in Canada.

  • R.S., c. C-34, s. 176.

The question to ask; is an animal considered both the public & property? The City of Montreal claims it needs to protect the public, thus outlawing a dog to bite another dog. So the usual answer to this question is yes. Animals are “the public’s property”. Article 180 can swing a good punch in a multitude of scenarios. If anyone such as an SPCA refuses to act within a legal right and duty to do so, they can be charged if it refuse to do their job (fail to discharge a legal duty).  Criminal charges have been laid against the “system”, in our case the SPCALL and Anima-Quebec. I can see hundreds of scenarios where charges like this can be laid against the system, all from past experiences with these so-called “administrative authorities”. If only I knew then, what I know now.

I’ve declared war with Anima-Quebec, MAPAQ and all it’s affiliated SPCAs because of their inaction over the years. I’ll be gathering more proof, laying multiple charges over and over again. The first step is to prove in Criminal Court that they have committed a crime, thus leading to civil lawsuits against the system in order to invalidate and nullify the P-42, and in turn tearing down Anima-Quebec & MAPAQ. The plan is to replace the P-42 with real laws, laws within the “Public Security Act” since a dog is both property and the public as the City claims, something that the police could use.  With the “system” committing a crime, you can demonstrate bad faith in Civil Courts. The Superior Court of Quebec can trash the law if it’s proven that it was used in bad faith, or replace those in charge if bad faith can be proven.

Municipal police have a duty to enforce municipal By-laws! The Municipality is their employer, which means the police can seize in hoarding situations by using municipal By-laws. However they cannot seize without a warrant, so why is it they don’t want to act and go get one? Now that we know, we can charge the cops of a crime too, that is if they refuse to do their job. Knowledge is power they say…

So next time the “system” says “nothing we can do about this”, tell them them that Articles 445, 446, and 180 of the Criminal Code show the contrary. If you have to, lay charges at the police station against the City, Municipality, SPCA, pounds, etc… If a police officer refuses to act, get proof and file a report at la deontologie policiere.

Since Quebec allows private prosecutions versus Crown prosecutions (a public prosecutor, hired by the Province or city) in criminal & penal cases, why do the SPCAs keep passing off the charges to the Crown? Would it not be better to do a private prosecution, like the Royal SPCA does? After all, it was the first SPCA and it’s very well aware of the lack of resources available to public prosecutors, be it a city prosecutor or Crown prosecutor. The old saying still holds true; if you want the job done well, do it yourself.

Tyson v. Montreal (T.K.O 1-0)

“Tyson 4” the Pitbull wins the first and biggest round against the City of Montreal in Superior Court. The City of Montreal wanted to euthanize “Tyson 4” because he bit and injured another dog. First the City ordered a 90 day muzzle order, only to replace said order one week later for a euthanasia order. The City claimed it would seize “Tyson 4” after 72 hours if he wasn’t executed. Of course Sophie didn’t comply, told the City they would need to find him, while they replied with the threat of daily fines for each day his execution wasn’t proven, as they gave Sophie the option to select the method of euthanasia (her own vet)  versus sending him to the Berger Blanc.

Knowing the City of Montreal “had” the power to seize without a warrant signed by a Judge to authorize such search & seizure, Sophie made “Tyson 4” jump (hidden on the Island, yet out of the City’s reach). Sophie filed a Motion in Superior Court asking the Courts to « DECLARE unconstitutional the sections of the City of Montreal By-Law concerning Dog and Animal Control, R.B.C.M. c. C-10, notably sections 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 22, which empower officials of the Respondent to enter a domicile and/or seize or euthanize a dog without warrant or due process ; » accompanied with a Stay of Execution against the euthanasia order so that “Tyson 4” could come out of hiding.

The first Judge allowed the case against the City, and issued an order that Sophie could take “Tyson 4” out of hiding for as long as he wore a muzzle at all times when in public or around other dogs, until his trial date. The second Judge, “trial Judge” heard the case which lasted 2 days and ruled in favor of “Tyson 4”, setting a precedent against the City of Montreal.


[137] In conclusion, the Tribunal want’s to underline that the case isn’t about if the dog is a danger to the public. That decision would be up to the municipal authorities. All tough before issuing such order, the City does need to respect the fundamental rules found in the Civil and Penal Code of Procedures, which wasn’t done in this present case.

[138] The Tribunal is therefore sensitive of the facts that Tyson’s behavior does justify the worries the City has. The Tribunal therefore takes notice of the agreement that Sophie is willing to keep the dog muzzled at all times when he is outside of his residence. For this agreement to be upheld, Sophie won’t be allowed to adopt out or dispose of “Tyson 4”.


[139] WELCOMES in part the motion;

[140] SQUASHES the euthanasia order issued in virtue of article 19 of By-Law concerning Dog and Animal Control, R.B.C.M. c. C-10, issued on the 14th of July 2010 targeting the male dog named “Tyson 4”;

[141] SQUASHES the fines issued to the Plaintiff for not having conformed to this euthanasia order within the delayed time;

[142] ORDERS the Plaintiff to comply with her agreement to keep the dog muzzled at all times when he is outside of his residence and ORDERS her to conform to it;

[143] ORDERS the Plaintiff not to get rid of the dog in question;

[144] DECLARES  invalid and null the words « saisir au domicile de son gardien » found in articles 12, 16, 25, 29 of the Règlement sur le contrôle des chiens et autres animaux (R.R.V.M. c. C-10);

With this jurisprudence, why hasn’t the City re-written it’s By-Law? They keep issuing these bogus letters claiming to be legal euthanasia orders, when in fact it’s not even worth the paper it’s printed on.

Sophie now decided to sue the City of Montreal $25 a day for the boarding fees incurred while “Tyson 4” was in hiding. The City refused to pay a $3,000 bill without knowing where “Tyson 4” was boarded. That is not for them to know, so a Judge will decide if the City has a right to know or not. Sophie is now asking for $6,000, $3,000 in fees, another $3,000 in punitive damages for a violation of her Human Rights.

The City claims this Judgement is only applicable for Tyson 4’s case, and therefore not valid towards any other euthanasia order the City is handing out.  With that said, Sophie has offered help for those willing to fight the City in Court. Since this Judgement, we are aware of 3 other cases that might end up in Superior Court against the City.


Mia was born August 18th 2011 a Boxer / Poodle Mix. Mia had sat in the pet shop since she was 8 weeks old. Her former owners had good attention when they bought her but didn’t realize how much responsibility getting a puppy would be so now she must find her forever home.

Like any puppy Mia will need some training and is not fully house broken but she getting better. She is very playful and loving, even likes to sit on your lap the best she can even though she’s bit of a big girl. Mia rarely barks and is amazing with kids, She would be best in a home that can handle her high energy and will put in the time needed.


I’m Zsa-Zsa and I am a total love bug. Around 6 yrs old, or so. In great shape aside from my teeth needing a good brushing once in a while. I was not fed the best food in the past but my breath is fine….no worries. Looks like I was used as a breeding female and once I was too old to give out regular lucrative litters, I was tossed aside.Can you imagine that? Still so young but not for somebody looking to make a buck off of me.

I was found near Honore-Beaugrand metro wandering all on my own. My body shows I have given birth many times. My state at the time was awful. I was covered in fleas, all matted and had bad ear infections. I’m all better now thanks to Sophie taking me in and getting me all the care I needed. I’m in foster care now living with several dogs and cats and I am getting along famously with everyone. I love people, walks and cuddling. I truly am the perfect dog. No issues, no attitude, no special needs. I never bark. I had my hair shaved because of my previous neglect but once it grows back, I will be even more gorgeous that I already am. I have very pretty colors I’m told.