Category Archives: Adopted


They call me Yo – I’m a young mix, probably a Boxer / German Shepherd. I was found as a young teen, almost a year ago now, abandoned in a dog park with a note saying “I’m searching for a family”. I’m probably a little under 2  years old and I’m full of energy but a good boy. We have worked on my education (as I was totally uneducated when I arrived), and I have proven to be a fast learner.

I’m a little more relaxed as I mature but I do have a lot of energy. I get along with most dogs but can be selective.  Like to be the top dog, so a macho or dominant dog I don’t take to very much.  However, I love all humans. Maybe a little “brute” for kids but no aggression. Only love to give and receive.

Sophie is hoping my time is coming, as with so many dumped dogs in the City daily, rescues are so full that a plain looking dog like me often gets passed by, as is the proof since I basically went from teenager to adult in foster care.

But hey, I’m an adult now and I’m ready to move out.  Unfortunately I cannot move out on my own, so I’m looking for someone to share a home with (ideally yours as I am homeless officially) and we can spend the rest of our lives (at least mine) together being best buds. Yo – look at that face!

On m’apelle Yo – je suis un jeune mélange, probablement Boxer / Berger Allemand. J’ai été trouvé quand j’étais adolescent, il y maintenant presqu’un an, abandonné dans un parc à chien avec une note disant “je me cherche une famille”. J’ai probablement  un peu moins de 2 ans maintenant et je suis plein d’énergie, mais un bon garçon.  On a travaillé sur mon éducation (car j’étais très mal élevé en arrivant), et j’ai prouvé rapidement que j’aprennais vite.

Je suis un peu plus relaxe maintenant que je deviens plus mature mais j’ai encore beaucoup d’énergie. Je m’entend bien avec la plupart des chiens, mais je peux être sélectif. J’aime être le “top dog”, donc les chiens machos ou dominants je n’aime pas plus qu’il faut. Par contre, j’adore tous les humains. Peut-être un  peu “brute” pour des enfants, mais pas du tout d’agression. Seulement de l’amour à donner et à recevoir.

Sophie espère que mon jour s’en vient, car avec tant de chiens abandonnés dans la Ville tous les jours, les organismes sont pleins et un chien tout ordinaire comme moi se fait souvent ignorer, la preuve étant que je suis passé de chiot adolescent à chien adulte en foyers d’accueils.

Mais je suis un adulte maintenant et suis prêt a déménager. Malheureusement je ne peux déménager seul, donc je cherche quelqu’un pour partager un logement (préférablement le vôtre car officiellement je suis “sans-abri” et on pourrait passer le reste de notre vie (du moins la mienne) ensemble et être les meilleurs amis du monde.  Yo – r’garde moi c’te face!


Hi there! I’m Alysha, a Pitbull mix. Not sure what the other breed(s) is but it looks like maybe Shepherd and Boxer. I’m a very pretty brindled girl with one white paw so it looks like I’m wearing one sock. My nose is rather long and my legs are too so I am not just Pit Bull, that’s for sure.

I get along famously with other dogs and cats. I live with several of them right now in my foster home. I can stay home alone. I won’t cry or bark. I have no problem going in a crate while you’re away for a few hours. I’m really a terrific puppy. I need to get a good sniff of strangers before I feel good about being petted. If people come right up to me too quickly, I will back away. I’m meeting new people every day and have made many new friends. Once I know you, I become your new best friend.

I will be spayed and vaccinated shortly. I already know the basic commands and ask for the door when nature calls. Being still a baby now though, I cannot hold it in all night so pipi pads are needed for me then.


Hello there! I’m Ernestine. A young rust colored red-nosed female American Pitbull Terrier. I apologize for that little bit of drool on my pics. I had just been taken out of a car and had gotten a little sick from all the commotion. Once I got out and met with my new friend Annie the canine educator, I relaxed and went for a quick run with her. She was very impressed with how well I followed her lead and responded to commands to stop, sit and stay.

I sure aim to please and she said I was a brilliant dog. I never once tried to jump up on her despite her giving me a whole of excited affection to test me. I did shower her with kisses since that’s the way us Pit Bulls respond to much appreciated affection and she really liked my kisses.

My rescuer Sophie knew I was special since she decided to save my life despite already being completely full with other dogs people dumped like yesterday’s garbage and ended up under her care. She made sure to make room for me. I was on my way to this awful high kill pound called the Berger Blanc. God knows what would have happened to me if I ended up there! I get along with other dogs, cats and I sure love people a whole lot. Very typical of my breed. We are extremely loving, bright and eager to please. My foster home reports that I am simply perfect.

Mr. Brown

Hello there. I’m one of the Huskies that were rescued a year ago from what can only be described as a hoarder. He had over 60 of us dogs all living outside tied to trees. Some of us are still waiting to be rescued from those people, and some of us were lucky and were rescued by groups who stepped forward to help us.

Several of us ended up with Sophie’s Dog Adoption and I am the last one still waiting for a home.  You see, I am the oldest of that bunch. I’ve been named Mr. Brown (because of my beautiful brown eyes), I am about 7 years old and had always lived my life outside, tied to a tree with a 6ft huge chain around my neck.

I have been in foster care now since August 8th, 2011 and I am really hoping to have a home by Christmas.  I have done so much progress, from knowing nothing but the life of a miserable dog, to having my own pillow to sleep on, sharing my home with other dogs, cats, birds.  I didn’t even know how to eat out of a bowl, had never been walked on a leash, had never given nor received kisses, but certainly been shoved around. Yet, I don’t have a mean bone in me and would do well with kids.  Not too young, as I am still very skittish and they could make me a little uncomfortable. I just want an easy, relaxed life full of love and fun times.

I learned to be house-trained really quickly as I’m very bright and eager to please.  Each foster home has been a new adjustment, but it has only helped me see new things and experience new lifestyles.  Now I really feel ready for that permanent, loving, forever home.  Please give me a chance, you will just adore me and have a totally different of Huskies (if you have a negative one). I am truly a charmer.

Bonjour! Je suis un des Huskies qui avaient été sauvés il y a un an de ce qu’on considère un collectionneur. Il avait au-dessus de 60 chiens, et nous vivions tous dehors attachés à des arbres a. Il en reste encore à sauver de ces gens, mais plusieurs d’entre nous ont eus la chance d’être sauvés par des groupes qui ont fait ce qu’il fallait pour nous aider.

Quelque-uns de nous sont arrivés à Sophie’s Dog Adoption et je suis le dernier toujours en attente d’une famille.  Voyez-vous, je suis le plus vieux de cette batch.  On me nomme Mr. Brown (à cause de mes beaux yeux bleus), j’ai environs 7 ans et ai vécu toute ma vie dehors, attaché à un arbre avec une énorme chaîne de 6 pieds autour du cou.

Je suis maintenant en famille d’accueil depuis le 8 août 2011 et j’espère vraiment trouver un foyer pour Noël. J’ai fait tellement de progrès, d’avoir eue une vie de chien misérable, à avoir mon propre coussin pour dormir, partager ma maison avec d’autres chiens, chats, oiseaux. Je ne savais même pas comment manger dans un bol, n’avais jamais été promené en laisse, n’avais jamais eu ni reçu de becs, mais certainement avait été garroché. Et pourtant, je n’ai pas une once d’agression et serait même bien avec des enfants, pas trop jeunes car je suis encore un peu timide et ils pourraient me rendre un peu mal à l’aise. Je veux juste une vie facile, relaxe et pleine d’amour et de joie.

J’ai appris très rapidement la propreté car je suis très intelligent et toujours prêt à faire plaisir. Chaque foyer d’accueil fut un nouvel ajustement, mais cela m’a aussi aider à connaitre de nouvelles choses et de nouvelles expériences de vie. Maintenant je suis prêt pour cette famille permanente, remplie d’amour.  SVP donnez-moi une chance et vous m’adorerez instantannément et aurez une toute autre idée des Huskies (si vous en aviez une négative).  Je suis un vrai charmeur.


Hi there! I’m Kali, a mix called a Eurasian and I was recently rescued along with several Huskies and Eurasians from a hoarder who kept several of us tied to trees 24/7.

I’m a very sweet girl. Eager to please and learned to be clean in the house very quickly. I never did know the joy of living in a house so a yard is important for me to play in. I have never once barked. I’m very calm and quiet and of a submissive nature. I would make a great family pet.

Not sure how I do around cats. My foster home thinks I’m just the best little girl in the world.


Hi there! I’m Blink, a tiny one-eyed Chihuahua so I appear to be winking at you all the time. I’m about 3, neutered and micro-chipped.

I’m a total love bug and I love to play and cuddle. My best friend right now is a big Pit Bull named Bert. He respects me and I just love to play with him. I get along with everybody I meet. I can get a little too excited at times and nibble but a quick correction lets me know that it is not acceptable behavior.

I am highly adoptable. Keep in mind that just because I’m so darn cute and small, I still need proper leadership. I need structure, regular exercise and boundaries in order to remain a happy balanced pooch. I am not a baby so please don’t treat me like one.

Lola 3


My name is Lola 3, I was found as a stray and no one came looking for me. I am about 1 year old, maybe less, and probably a Boxer mix.

I am very sweet, but don’t have much manners yet, so a lot of learning to do. However, I’m a very sweet girl, a little excited around other pets, but not a mean girl at all. I just need someone who can structure me, give me some basic obedience, be patient and help me learn how to be a well adjusted, well socialized dog.

My eagerness to please is admirable and I’m very bright. If you think you could be that person/family, contact my people. They need an experienced foster or permanent home for me asap. * Because I appear to have some Pit Bull in me, it is important that I be placed in an area where there is no breed specific legislation in place. I don’t have the standard wide Pit Bull jaw and head BUT if I look like a Pit Bull, then I will be seen as a Pit Bull. Many very uneducated people out there fear this breed sadly. So, as a precaution, we’re saying I’m part Pit Bull but chances are I am not. Regardless….I’m a great girl either way. Hope you’re not the kind to discriminate against this highly unjustly persecuted breed. Dogs are dogs! We all need the same thing….your love and devotion.image

Leo 2

A sort of Terrier mix named Leo 2, well that’s me! Not sure what I am, have long white/cream hair, have a sort of howl as a bark, short legged, long body and sweet as can be.

I am about 2 years old, male, a good dog but definitely terrier mix, so for someone with experience. I can be stubborn, protective, yet sweet, cuddly and very friendly.

I have a mysterious past, having been rescued about a year ago at the SPCA, unfortunately ended up with a wonderful family with young kids, but not enough experience to deal with my protective side, and I bit the UPS dude, so I had to find a new place.

Ideally, someone with a fairly mellow lifestyle, I wouldn’t do so good with a very busy household, one or two person home would be best. I am “high maintenance” but am very good in the bath, with the dryer, getting my nails done, etc. I am used to it and can be kept beautiful if you wish to have a long-haired dog!

Give me my chance to find that final and lasting home, I too deserve to settle down with a cozy bed, a warm home and loving family.



My name is Sasha, and I am a big, beautiful, brindle female Neapolitan Mastiff. I am 4 years old, and even though I have lived all my life with another Mastiff, a St-Bernard, and most recently a French Bulldog, but I am very dominant with the St-Bernard and am therefore looking for a more suited home. You see, the Saint is very submissive, very old, and I keep picking on her, and it’s just not fair. I am great with all the other dogs in the house, not this one.

As a rule, I seem to be very dominant with female dogs…. However I am great with little dogs, males in general, and absolutely love people.

I am not for someone who thinks we’re a “cool breed”, I am for a very experienced Neapolitan Mastiff person, as we are big dogs and can be quite stubborn. But we are very gentle giants, deep inside.


I am Doodzy, cute name isn’t it? Well I’m as cute as my name is. I’m a 2 year old Pomeranian mix, male, extremely loving and affectionate, great with all dogs (big and small), and able to stay alone during the day. What more can you ask for? Oh, and I love kids, so that’s an extra bonus!

I am not one of those yappy little guys, will bark pretty much when there’s a reason to, otherwise I’m on the rather quiet side.

If you think I could be a good candidate for you and your family to adopt, don’t hesitate…. Make that move and make me a member of your family. I will give you kisses again and again, and will be your most faithful and loyal companion.


So I’m Rocket and I’ve been held hostage by two previous foster homes in the last year, resulting in two “adoptions” by these “captors” in order to protect me from these people who where not capable of adhering to the conditions of Sophie’s adoption process, giving her that right to reclaim me once these people, “as she knew would happen” are unable to properly care for me.

My first foster dad, Robert, refused to let me go to the family Sophie had approved, hence refusing to let me go, so after many attempts from Sophie she decided to make him sing a contract and finalize the “adoption”. He had no money and was making “payments”, but before my “adoption” fee could be paid off, Robert had lost his apartment and was literally out on the street. He called Sophie to see if she could take me back for a couple of weeks until he got himself “together”. She immediately jumped on the opportunity as it was obvious he could not properly care for me. (He also had another dog). Months went by, she never heard from him, and one day after being on the News because he was losing yet again his home, he started making threats to Sophie about claiming she had stolen me from him. Of course she won as only my interest is what matters to her.

Now comes Jude, a new foster home. Sophie finds me the perfect home (remember I’m a typical Min Pin – for Min Pin lovers only), but Jude refused to let me go to this family because they had jobs and work during the day. I have absolutely no problems staying home alone, but Jude is of the opinion that dogs should always have someone with them. You see he doesn’t work, but not everyone has that privilege. So once again my foster dad wont release me and insists on keeping me because he feels that he’s the only good home for me.

Sophie figures “here we go again”. She attempted by all possible means to make Jude release me, but he wouldn’t. So she decided to once again let him finalize my “adoption” with a contract as she knew I was not the right dog for him and this was the only way to protect me once again from ending up at pound.

This was December 2010. By March 2011, Jude was emailing Sophie complaining about how annoying I was and how I disrupted the dynamics of the household (two other dogs), and even though he kind of liked me, he really hated me more and wasn’t sure that he wanted to keep me. He wanted to find me an “appropriate home” but as per the contract only Sophie can do that. He signed the contract, yet he didn’t want to comply to it by returning me to Sophie’s Dog Adoption, yet he didn’t love me as per one of the conditions of the contract.

As time went on, he hated more and more and asked Sophie to take me back for a week or two until he decided if he wanted to keep me or not. What do you think Sophie said? This was her way to get me back once again from this “captor” and agreed to “take me in”. Weeks went by, no one heard from Jude, we all thought I was a “done deal” and that he had washed his hands of me. But surprise! A couple of emails, couple of phone calls, couple of threats and then… The police… Jude claims she kidnapped me.

So this time around she will not sign a contract with a family that is not fully committed to loving me and providing me with the best of homes. That means you must know, love, and appreciate the typical Min Pin, as that is what I am. Loving, endearing, funny, cuddly, but jumpy, barky, excitable, and as people say “annoying”, that’s the typical Min Pin!

I’m only two years old, (well maybe 3 by now), and It’s time I find true love.


I’m Ralph and despite my bad luck in my first 6 years in life, I’m already in a potential home. I’m a six year old Maltese, and I’ve already had at least 3 homes that Sophie is aware of. So I’m hoping this will work out and be my final home.

Keep an eye out if you see me on the adoptable side, it didn’t work out. If you see him on the adopted side, it worked out the way I’m hoping :)


Kasper the tiny Maltese, that’s me! I’m 4 years old, weigh about 5lbs and I’m the sweetest thing you’ve ever met. When I first came to Sophie’s Dog Adoption, I had some bladder issues, but now that everything has cleared up, I’m pretty good about going to the bathroom in the right place. I have been paper trained, but since I’m a very smart boy I can eventually learn to only go outside.

I’m really sweet, love to be on your lap, a little shy around other dogs and fine with cats. I’m cute and very much look like a stuffed little toy, but you have to keep in mind that I am NOT! I do not want to be a gift for the kids nor do I wanna be seen as a fun toy but rather as a member of the family. That means through thick and thin, for better or for worst, sickness and in health till old age takes me away.


I am named Shaggy and I arrived at Sophie’s Dog Adoption last year, very shaggy looking and already 8 years old.

My story is a very common one, I’m a high maintenance dog and my family finally decided “We have no time for him”.

My first family had always done the grooming themselves, which led to many skin problems when I arrived, as well as bad fungus on my feet. But after a good shave, treatments and good care, it all went away.

I was adopted by a senior lady last year, but she decided to move to Thailand and thought I may not be able to make such a long trip. So here I am now at 9, again looking for a home. I don’t require a lot of attention, I have no anxiety problems but will need professional grooming at least twice a year. I’m not at all barky, I get along well with other dogs, no problems with cats and no aggression whatsoever.

Unfortunately I am no spring chicken, and I do have an enlarged heart, which in the last year has caused me to cough somewhat more and more. So I am what one would now consider a “special needs” dog, I have lost most of my hearing, and my eyesight is not all that great. Because of my age and mellow attitude, I would definitely see myself in a quiet and mellow home, and obviously someone who could care for my medical needs financially. I may not be in the best of shapes, but I am still full of life and pep, and if I find someone to love me for the rest of my life, I will give it back a thousand times!

Please give me the chance to get out of foster and into my own, wonderful and final home.

[wp_ad_camp_2]I am named Shaggy and I arrived at Sophie’s Dog Adoption last year, very shaggy looking and already 8 years old.

My story is a very common one, I’m a high maintenance dog and my family finally decided “We have no time for him”.

My first family had always done the grooming themselves, which led to many skin problems when I arrived, as well as bad fungus on my feet. But after a good shave, treatments and good care, it all went away.

I was adopted by a senior lady last year, but she decided to move to Thailand and thought I may not be able to make such a long trip. So here I am now at 9, again looking for a home. I don’t require a lot of attention, I have no anxiety problems but will need professional grooming at least twice a year. I’m not at all barky, I get along well with other dogs, no problems with cats and no aggression whatsoever.

Unfortunately I am no spring chicken, and I do have an enlarged heart, which in the last year has caused me to cough somewhat more and more. So I am what one would now consider a “special needs” dog, I have lost most of my hearing, and my eyesight is not all that great. Because of my age and mellow attitude, I would definitely see myself in a quiet and mellow home, and obviously someone who could care for my medical needs financially. I may not be in the best of shapes, but I am still full of life and pep, and if I find someone to love me for the rest of my life, I will give it back a thousand times!

Please give me the chance to get out of foster and into my own, wonderful and final home.


Teddy 3

I’m Teddy 3, a 9 year old Schnauzer mix, who ended up at Sophie’s Dog Adoption for the same reason as many others; My mom was placed in a nursing home and no family member wanted to take me in.

I’m such a great dog and so easy to live with that I just don’t understand why I can’t spend my last years with family members. I guess when our folks are no longer able to care for us, unlike the TV that everyone will fight over, us pets are looked at as the garbage that nobody wants.

So here I am hoping to find a wonderful family, one who will help me get in shape (I’m slightly overweight), take good care of me (I hadn’t seen a vet since 2003) and love me until my final days.

I love people, great with other dogs, wonderful to stay home alone and just an overall fantastic dog.

Chanel No. 3

Chanel No. 3! Kind of a glamorous name isn’t it? Well my life has not been glamorous. I’m Chanel, a 8 year old Pomeranian who was purchased as a gift when I was cute little puppy. You see, my “purchaser” was a senior citizen who bought me as a gift for her caretaker. But… the caretaker didn’t want me, however she kept me since she wouldn’t have to take care of me herself.

During all those years, I never saw a vet, never went out for walks and lived a very sheltered life. Last week my caretaker was placed in a nursing home and her caretaker who’s gift I really was sent me packing to Sophie’s Dog Adoption after the vet she called refused to euthanize me and asked what was she supposed to do, just leave me on a street corner and was given Sophie’s number as an alternative.

I’m really sweet, but at this point extremely frightened and skeptical of new people. Since I’m pee pee pad trained, Sophie is just letting me come around at my own pace and try to accustom myself to this big change in my life. Because of my fears I’m not good with kids, I see myself more with a senior citizen who would be calm and patient.

Patch 3

My name is Patch 3 and this is my story: I’m a Jack Russel mix (maybe Beagle) born July 2009 and sold in September of 09. 7 months later (April 2010) I was sold again, this time to be a 12 year old’s gift. Great idea, two athletic boys to keep me busy… Two athletic boys who are on hockey teams, soccer teams, and involved with lots of after school activities… Result? I’m left in a cage up to 12 hours a day, and nobody has time for me.

So here we are April 2011, I’m now going on 2 and looking for what I hope to be my final home. You have to know that even tough I’m not a high energy dog, I do have some Jack Russel, maybe some Beagle, and require a certain amount of exercise and activity for us to be a happy family.

I am fully house trained, okay with most dogs, but having never been socialized with them some dogs intimidate me and I don’t necessarily react well. However I’m making progress as I am now getting out in the world. Sophie thinks I can be a great family dog, I love kids and I am very cuddly and affectionate.

Ideally I’m looking for someone who will exercise me by either biking, hiking, jogging, rollerblading or someone with a couple of teenagers who will throw a frisbee around, play fetch and get me running. Are you that person or family?


I was named Demi because I’m a beautiful girl, just like the actress Demi Moore.

I am a white Standard Poodle, a senior girl of 10, and up to now had a wonderful life. You see my mom is also a senior and unfortunately was moved to a nursing home today. I was always very well cared for, regularly groomed, always had the best of everything – I was a real princess.

Unfortunately life can sometimes take an unexpected turn and my mom having no family, I would of been put down my the end of the week-end had Sophie not taken me in.

Despite my age, I’m very healthy and still full of life and energy. I may not have a lot of years in front of me, but I have had a great life up to now and we all know that a healthy and happy dog will have a longer life than a sad and neglected dog. So all I need from you is to keep me happy & healthy, and I can easily have a good five years still ahead of me.

I’m good with dogs, cats, people, and would make anyone a wonderful companion. I love to go for walks, or just cuddle on the couch with you. Because of my age, I would rather not have kids around as I want to enjoy my golden years in a calm household. Seniors would be ideal.


They call me Buffy but I’m no vampire slayer! I’m what you would call a Lebanese Terrier. You see, I’m a small Terrier mix who just arrived from Beirut, Lebanon. Not much is known about my past other than my siblings and I ended up at the Beirut shelter. We were part of the “Lucky Ones” who made the trip to Montreal recently in order to find the meaning of a wonderful life in Canada.

My siblings, along with a couple of other refugees, went to a rescue group in Ontario and I came to Sophie’s Dog Adoption, where I will soon fly to Alberta to be reunited with BJ, a former Beirut refugee who was adopted through Sophie’s Dog Adoption back in 2009.

I’m approximately 5 years old, female and friendly as can be. I love people, exploring this new world and even like the fashions. I’m may get used to this lifestyle very quickly. I’m just a happy story as I didn’t even need to wait for Sophie to find me a home, BJ’s family wanted me before I even landed in Montreal.


My name is Bill, and I am a 2 year old Miniature Pinscher/Boston Terrier. I am a bit bigger than a Pinscher, but smaller than a Boston, so in between the two.

I am very skittish, but very friendly once I get to know you. I am a nervous little guy, so I will need someone with patience and who can give me structure so I become a stable and social dog. I am clean in the house, but have a hard time staying alone right now. I need to learn that someone comes home, right now I cry a lot when alone.

I am great with kids, other dogs and good with cats. I would be a good companion for a family, a single person or a couple.