All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier


Today Sophie got multiple calls about a lost dog and she is really hoping to reunite him with his family who is devastated.

Yesterday morning a 2 and a half year old Cocker Spaniel named Chestnut got lost running from Mountain Sights towards Powell street in TMR. He slipped out of his collar therefore has nothing around his neck and is a very frightened, fearful dog. Because of his fear he could easily bite if you approach him or grab him, so the best thing to do if you see him is try to lure him into an enclosed area such as a yard, inside a car, and enclosed porch and keep him there until someone can pick him up.

He will come towards other dogs in a friendly way so this could be a way to lure him back to your backyard or house and call to have someone pick him up.

If found or spotted, call Sophie at 514-998-7830 leaving a detailed message (if you do not reach anyone) and arrangements will be made to pick him up within the hour. There is a $1,000 dollar reward for his return.


This is Youshi the young Yorkie mix who was recently adopted. I have a new name, Henry, and a wonderful new family who adores me.

They just sent Sophie and update to tell her that I am absolutely perfect for them. I had a few accidents in the beginning, but I have taken on to the routine and adjusted to my new life very quickly. They give me daily exercise, structure, discipline and of course lots of love. I have proven to be very mellow and a charm to be around. They don’t understand how two families could of given me up.

Tiger 2

Better late than never! I’m Tiger 2 the five year old Poodle and I’m finally getting out of Sophie’s place for a few weeks. I’m taking Jika’s place in that foster home until September 7th, at which time I will need again a new foster home.

During this two week period, the foster mom will work with me on socialization, fearfulness, leash walking etc… and also give me structure and sense of security that I have been trying to achieve since I was rescued from that miserable life back in January.

Help spread the word to help me find someone by September 7th to adopt or foster me on a longer term basis. What I need most right now is stability.

Sunshine & The 7 Rays

Today was a rainy day, but me Sunshine and four of my little Rays came back to Montreal and brightened up Sophie’s day. I am looking beautiful, have gained weight and finally look healthy. My puppies are growing really well and have gotten quite big already.

They are about eight weeks old and the five of us came back to start the next phase, new foster homes.

Raylee is staying up in Ste-Adele to be fostered with the family dogs and possibly adopted.

Rayann and Raylen have arrived in Montreal a few days ago and are being fostered by our first foster home, who is thinking of adopting Rayann.

Rayven is being fostered in a home who adopted a wonderful Pitbull a few years back from Sophie’s Dog Adoption, and is looking to possibly adopt him as well.

Rayko and my self (Sunshine) are being fostered by someone with no pets, so I’m the one who will be socializing him and teaching him good dog behavior. The talk is that I could be “the one” for my foster mom so my goal is to be the best possible dog she will ever meet in hopes that she will adopt me and my search for a home will end there.

So here is the status update: Rayko, who is with me, is looking for a permanent home as well as Raylen who is being fostered with his sister (Rayann).

My little ones still in limbo are Raynelle and Raymond. Those two most probably take after dad or his side of the family, as they are the only two that are white and brindled. They they are the only two still in need of a foster home (together) as they are stuck at Sophie’s until then. It’s a good place, but not the right environment for my two little darlings as Ginger, Little Sue and Taco (her grumpy old Chihuahua) are never nice to puppies. Boy is quite pleased with their arrival, but I’m not sure that I really want him to be a father figure and teach them socialization and good dog behavior. So please come through for my little angles and offer them a roof over their heads so they don’t turn into a “Boy” or “Ginger”.

Boy & Ginger

Here I am again, the Boy who’s still hoping to find that foster home. Last night started really well. With my new clean look and friendly attitude with the gang, Sophie decided to take me along for a friendly little family snack and then playtime at the park with Little Sue, Ginger and Rocket who’s spending the weekend with us.

We all went and shared fries on a terrace and it was wonderful, we all sat nicely together waiting our turn for a fry. Sophie was really proud of me sharing food next to Ginger and Little Sue, without a muzzle, as I never even showed a tooth to either of them.

Later on we picked up Rocket and all headed off to the dog park in Old Montreal, figuring it would be empty at that time. We got there and in fact were all alone, so we all entered the park (without my muzzle on) and were having a blast.

Ginger, for those who don’t know her, is Rick’s (Sophie’s son) little “Witchihuahua”. She is the most adorable little thing, about the size of my nose, and the most vicious little dog anyone has ever met. She showed me teeth, she’s lunged at me, she crinkled up her whole face at me again and again, yet I like the little thing.

Rick left to get a ball from the car to throw around, but left his little Princess with all of us at the park. You have to know that she sticks to him like glue. So here we were trotting, sniffing, playing, Little Sue and Rocket were being themselves (macho little dudes) and I was just doing my thing, enjoying the park, but made the huge mistake of sniffing Miss Ginger’s butt, and that totally insulted her.

She turned around and crinkled up that little face to show me her teeth and walked away. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to follow her to see what she was really all about. I think she forgot who I was, saw a Yeti coming after her in her mind, and started running and screeching like a bat out of hell (kind of like that little white dog at the park the other night).

So just like that night, I started chasing her all around the park, Little Sue and Rocket got into the action acting like “Macho Man” and that freaked her out even more. She spotted Rick coming back to the park and made the mistake of running up to the fence, stopping there as though her savior had just arrived. Well, that gave me the upper hand and having no hands, I grabbed her with my mouth. She wouldn’t stop squawking while I was trying to get her to submit, so once Sophie got her out of my mouth, I had made a little puncture wound on her inner thigh.

Obviously, being the little actress that she is, she limped and squawked all the way to her daddy. She played the “broken dog routine” all night but after disinfecting and cleaning her boo boo up, she proved to be a very good actress. She pouted and wouldn’t let anyone near her that night (including Rick), took over his room for the night and basically played little martyr.

Guess what! Today she was jumping around for fries. So I’m not sure that we will be friends again, but I would like to. I really like that little thing. I’m really not a bad guy, I hope she will save me a fry as I’m usually in my room or on the balcony, separated from the gang, still waiting for a foster home that will share food with me.

Here I am again, the Boy who’s still hoping to find that foster home. Last night started really well. With my new clean look and friendly attitude with the gang, Sophie decided to take me along for a friendly little family snack and then playtime at the park with Little Sue, Ginger and Rocket who’s spending the weekend with us.

We all went and shared fries on a terrace and it was wonderful, we all sat nicely together waiting our turn for a fry. Sophie was really proud of me sharing food next to Ginger and Little Sue, without a muzzle, as I never even showed a tooth to either of them.

Later on we picked up Rocket and all headed off to the dog park in Old Montreal, figuring it would be empty at that time. We got there and in fact were all alone, so we all entered the park (without my muzzle on) and were having a blast.

Ginger, for those who don’t know her, is Rick’s (Sophie’s son) little “Witchihuahua”. She is the most adorable little thing, about the size of my nose, and the most vicious little dog anyone has ever met. She showed me teeth, she’s lunged at me, she crinkled up her whole face at me again and again, yet I like the little thing.

Rick left to get a ball from the car to throw around, but left his little Princess with all of us at the park. You have to know that she sticks to him like glue. So here we were trotting, sniffing, playing, Little Sue and Rocket were being themselves (macho little dudes) and I was just doing my thing, enjoying the park, but made the huge mistake of sniffing Miss Ginger’s butt, and that totally insulted her.

She turned around and crinkled up that little face to show me her teeth and walked away. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to follow her to see what she was really all about. I think she forgot who I was, saw a Yeti coming after her in her mind, and started running and screeching like a bat out of hell (kind of like that little white dog at the park the other night).

So just like that night, I started chasing her all around the park, Little Sue and Rocket got into the action acting like “Macho Man” and that freaked her out even more. She spotted Rick coming back to the park and made the mistake of running up to the fence, stopping there as though her savior had just arrived. Well, that gave me the upper hand and having no hands, I grabbed her with my mouth. She wouldn’t stop squawking while I was trying to get her to submit, so once Sophie got her out of my mouth, I had made a little puncture wound on her inner thigh.

Obviously, being the little actress that she is, she limped and squawked all the way to her daddy. She played the “broken dog routine” all night but after disinfecting and cleaning her boo boo up, she proved to be a very good actress. She pouted and wouldn’t let anyone near her that night (including Rick), took over his room for the night and basically played little martyr.

Guess what! Today she was jumping around for fries. So I’m not sure that we will be friends again, but I would like to. I really like that little thing. I’m really not a bad guy, I hope she will save me a fry as I’m usually in my room or on the balcony, separated from the gang, still waiting for a foster home that will share food with me.

Continue reading Boy & Ginger


Remember Jika the one year old Sheltie mix that Sophie went to work with? Well that’s me! Here I am looking for a foster and or forever home, as my “family” has decided that I am going to be too much for their life style and therefore may not be able to give me what I really need as far as exercise.

They have gone away for the week-end so I am staying in one of Sophie’s experienced part-time foster home who helps work on some of my foster buddies who may have issues. She has evaluated me as well, will continue the work with me during those two days and agrees with Sophie that I am very workable but have been under-socialized, under-exercised and definitely uneducated.

So with an Alpha person, experienced, knowledgeable, energetic and knows my type of breed can defiantly make me into the absolutely perfect little gal. I just need that chance to learn.

Ideally I’m looking for a foster home by Sunday as my “family” has gotten somewhat attached to me but knows that I am not the dog for them and would prefer I don’t return Sunday night as it will be to emotional to keep me until I get adopted.


Hi I’m Jameka, the black Chihuahua found as a stray out near Laval. It sure looks like in fact dumped there, because no one seemed to look for me.

It doesn’t matter, because I already found a wonderful home. I now have a new (sister), Emmy, who is a Japanese Spaniel. I have lots of beds around the house to choose from as well a bunch of new toys to play with. I really hope to grow old in my new home.


I feel like a million bucks. This is Boy, the big hairy boy. Sophie took me to the do-it-yourself grooming place to wash, brush and detangle all that wiry orange hair that covers me from head to toe. It took almost two full hours but I am absolutely stunning and no longer smell like a dog. By the way, I only weight 90lbs. So later in the day, feeling fresh and clean, she decided to see how I really do with other dogs since I am known to have leash aggression.

She took me to a quiet dog park which had only a handful of dogs present (of course muzzled and with the permission of the people who were in the park with their dogs at that time). It turned out surprisingly well.

Here is how it went down: when I got out of the car in front of the park, of course I reacted as the dogs from the park all ran to the fence to check me out.

Sophie had to control me and make me settle down, which can be a bit of a challenge, but doable. I the went into the park and started having a good old time running, chasing, playing, sniffing etc… but one little dog got really scared of me and started running around, screeching at the top of his lungs, which got all the dogs to come and see what was going on.

A protective Shepherd came around to protect his little buddy and put his paw over me, looking to dominate me. Since I was muzzled, Sophie decided it was time to leave as I had no defense if the rest of the pack teamed up on me.

The results, as per Sophie’s observations to my body language and reaction, were successful. Of course more sessions will be needed, but from the get-go, she was pretty sure that I have no real aggression, I just over react on leash when I see another dog.


Well I’m Petey, the two year old Chihuahua mix and I was one of the first dogs posted on Sophie’s new and improved website. I was looking for a foster home while my regular foster home went on vacation, or better yet, I was hoping to find a permanent home. Unfortunately, neither of those dreams happened during the two weeks, so I was stuck at Sophie’s with the gang.

Luckily for me, however, my original foster home is now back from vacation and were very excited to take me back but were sad to know I was not adopted.

You see, the big problem is that they are moving out of the province at the end of this month, so will be unable to keep fostering me.

So the emphasis is on finding that wonderful forever home by the 30th of August. I would really do best in a quiet home, maybe with retired people or couple with no kids, as I am still quite fearful of strangers and quick movements, so that can make me snappy at times. On the flip side, I am extremely cuddly, loving and affectionate. I will be the perfect little companion, I just need to find the right match.


Well it looks like I’m not going to a new home after all. The lady who spent the afternoon with me on Saturday and was so excited of the possibility of me moving in my the end of this week, e-mailed Sophie the next day saying that after thinking about it, is no longer ready to adopt a dog.

So I’m in a new foster home, once again hoping that someone will want to give me that forever home. In case you already forgot, I am a really great dog who is good with kids, cats and other dogs.

Jolly Jumper

It’s Jolly Jumper, and even though I’m a jumper, I will not be bouncing around from place to place as I today I went into one of Sophie’s best foster homes. If I remain as good as I have been at Sophie’s and keep getting along well with Henry, my foster buddy, I am almost sure to stay there until I find a permanent family.

So now I’m ready to go the chop-chop shop (to be sterilized) get my vaccines and start a little training to make me into the most wonderful and Jolliest Jumper there is.

My foster home will find out more about my personality and update Sophie so she can find me the perfect match.

Idefix & Tinkie Winkie

Tinkie Winkie and myself (Idefix), just got dropped of in Candiac to a foster home who couldn’t decide which one of us to foster, so they decided to take both of us for a couple of days to see if they can handle the two. If not they will decide which one of us they will keep fostering and the other one will need a new foster home.

I’m kind of hoping that they will keep both of us, that way I can keep Tinkie company (since he doesn’t like being all alone) and it would save one of us from having to move again.


I finally left Sophie’s place for a foster home with possibility of adoption. I went to the dog event thing today and charmed everyone.

Now I’m gonna play the cute card hoping that my potential new family will fall head over heels for me. I have such a great personality and I’m such a charmer despite a couple of tiny bad habits that if I make goo goo eyes they will just have to love me.

Bella 4

My name is Bella 4 a Boxer mix and again I’ve changed foster homes due to vacation plans. I went to the dog contest event in hopes that a permanent family would see me and fall in love, unfortunately because of my size and looks people thought I was intimidating so I had to stay out of the park. That means nobody got to see how truly sweet, gentle, playful and affectionate I really am.

I’ve been around since May and feel I’m ready to become a member of someones family.

Dog Contest – Fundraiser

A Big thanks to an amazing twelve year old girl named Sam and her cousin Maria, for organizing the dog contest fundraiser event held today, which was a success.

There was agility, talent and beauty contest. First prize went to Chief, a Husky, second place went to Angel, a Maltese and third prize went to Penny, a Poodle.

A total of $184 was collected for Sophie’s Dog Adoption. We thank all the participants for making it such a fun day.


It’s me again, I’m back from my in-between foster home and Sophie hasn’t found another one yet. So I’m on my way to the dog contest event with the gang and hope that I catch someones eye and find a foster home today, or I’ll be going back to Sophie’s with the gang.

Update: Well today was quite a day, before arriving at the dog contest event and seconds after that picture of me sticking my head out the window was snapped, I jumped out and even though I was tied in the car my collar snapped and I found my self running in the middle lane of highway 40. Two lanes of traffic came to a stop and thankfully a dog friendly trucker directly behind Sophie, got out and grabbed me before I was squished on the road. He called me a real little stunt dog.

Unfortunately, that little stunt did not land me into a new foster home. So please, please be kind-hearted and give me a stable foster home until I find the family who will love me forever.


We are on the look out for Dakota, a 12 year old Shepherd who went missing a couple of weeks ago near the top of Mount Royal and has not been seen since. He’s a friendly dog and it is suspected that he was taken or followed someone, possibly a street kid.

Someone called the vet clinic from his rabies tag but the cell phone number they left remains unanswered with a full voice box. Please keep your eyes open, especially in the Plateaux or Downtown areas.

He’s about 70lbs and he’s a neutered male. See the poster image below.


When people ask my name the response is Askim. That’s my name, Askim. I was in a 9 month old mix possibly Ridgeback and no one knows anything about me, as I was found roaming the streets. Despite the fact that i was very skinny, I’m filling out and turning into a stunning dog.

I run like a gazelle, play very gently with other dogs and think cats are really cute. Kids of all ages are my buddies so ideally a home that has all of the above would make me happy.

I’m unfortunately changing foster homes again, but an application was received today for me so I’m crossing my toes. So you cross your fingers and toes for me and hope that this will be my future home.


Remember me Babe, the seven week old deaf puppy who had reconstructive surgery? Well I’m now almost six month old and will be going to my new home next week. I was officially adopted tonight and can’t wait to move into my new home. Despite my handicap, I have made outstanding progress in learning to understand signs and body language.

My potential is huge and I’m looking forward to learning more and having a great life. I hope I get to go swimming allot as I just love playing in water. For all those who think I should of been put down, even though it took several months, Sophie knew there was someone out there for me.