All posts by Rick Cognyl-Fournier


Yay! I have been adopted. My turn finally came and at the age of almost one year, I now have a family I can call my own.

It’s been a bit of a struggle because of my anxiety, but after a couple of weeks in my new home, I’m starting to relax more and more, and being such a wonderful dog in every other aspect, love took over and I’m now an official member of the family.

I will keep on improving in hopes that this will in fact be my forever home.

Molly 8 & Hurley

Let me introduce myself, Hurley, a six year old English Bulldog and my younger “sister”, Molly 8, a four year old Bulldog like me.

We are hoping to be adopted together as we do enjoy each others company, but if splitting us up is the only way to find us homes, then we will have no choice.

We are both quite big, of the stocky kind, however Molly 8 is also what I would call overweight. Myself, I am a big boy, but still have a waist.

Obviously we both need some exercise and a reduced diet, as our previous family was compensating their lack of time for us with food.

We are both very affectionate, cuteness is in the eye of the beholder, but I consider myself cuter then Molly 8. I have a beautiful dark face, while Molly 8 is mostly white.

English Bulldogs are not for everyone, as people who know our breed understand and realize that we have more possibilities of health issues due to our genetically engineered shape especially when it comes to our legs and our noses. We are often prone to developing breathing problems and arthritis as we get older. So if you want to adopt us keep in mind that in several years you may need to give us special care in order for us to have a long and healthy life. If you decide to take us in, we will be forever grateful and will shower you with love.


My name is Pablo, like that crazy painter Picasso, but I’m not crazy. More like a Tasmanian Devil, as I’m only a 4 month old little Shih-tzu.

Obviously I’m cute as a button, look like a little stuffy toy and anyone who sees me automatically falls in love. BUT, I’m a puppy, a small breed at that, which means at least one year of a little terror trying to run your house. So if you’re thinking of adopting me, you better be ready for the challenge that raising a puppy like me to become a well balanced and social butterfly entails.

Just like Ace, Sophie knows she will be swapped with requests but again will be very selective on who I actually end up with. Too many people think of us cute little things as toys, which we are not.

Tyson 5

I’m Tyson 5, the almost 9 year old Pug who was living with Fluffy 2 and like him I am looking for a home.

I’m the funniest and really cutest of the two. I’m short and stocky, make all those alienish Pug noises, and when Sophie arrived I actually beat Fluffy 2 to her lap and was already kissing her face by the time he was wagging his tail trying to get her attention.

So I’m even more affectionate then Fluffy 2, even though I’m a bit less active despite my younger age, because of my breed and shape.

I’m already getting white in the face which makes me look my age, but just like Fluffy 2, don’t let that fool you as I’m very healthy and active. I also enjoy my daily walks, and can also stay alone while you’re gone to work.

Fluffy 2

My name is Fluffy 2 and I’m a 10 and half year old male Shih-tzu. But hey, don’t let my age fool you. I’m still very healthy, very active for my age, barely starting some cataracts, the only thing really is my teeth will probably need a good cleaning within the next year.

I have been living with Tyson 5, a Pug, but now we are both looking for homes. Even though I have lived with him for the last 8 years, we never really bonded closely and were always quite independent of one another. So we are being split up for adoption, which is fine with both of us.

I love toys especially balls and can amuse myself while your at work, I’m fully house trained, hardly ever bark, and love going for my daily walks. When Sophie came to pick us up, I went to greet her right away, brought her my ball, and hopped on her lap to give her kisses and receive some affection. I’m good with other dogs, love people, and don’t have a mean bone in me. Because of my age I would see myself with an older person who wants an easy companion to hug and cuddle with.


They (people) call me Shelby, I am a young female Sheltie who was found as a stray near a local park in Montreal. I’m about one year old, was very scared when I was found, it took over an hour to be able to catch me as I would come up to people but then would run off as soon as they extended their hands or showed me a leash.

Eventually I was caught and when Sophie came to pick me up, I bit her hand out of fear. After more then three weeks, no one seems to be looking for me as there have been no posters put up in the area, no ads posted on the net, no calls into the S.P.C.A and no response to any ads posted about me being found.

Sophie has now decided it’s time to find me a new home. What I’ve been able to show so far, since I cant talk is that I was fully paper trained (it took days before I would even do anything outside), I had never had a leash and collar around my neck (as it took a lot of struggling and some biting to get the collar around my neck), but I have now learned to go out on a leash and do my business outside.

I’m playful and enjoy the company of other dogs, a bit afraid of strangers, more specifically men, but getting better at meeting new people. I am extremely sweet and affectionate, love giving kisses and getting attention from people I trust.

Sophie thinks I may have lived with a senior lady who didn’t really take me out much, however seemed to take very good care of me as I am healthy and have been very well groomed and taken care of.  Someone is probably missing me out there, just like I miss having a home of my own.


I’m enjoying a nap after running around with my new four legged sister, an 18 month old Lab mix, in the two acre backyard that is part of my new home in Ontario.

All of us 7 Rays are now a little over 4 months old and I’m one of the big boys already weighing 40lbs. It sure looks like I’m going to outgrow Sunshine, our beautiful Mom.

I’m hoping to reunite with my siblings and Mom (who by the way is still looking for her forever home) at Sophie’s future reunions.


I’m Silver, the young Australian Shepherd puppy who zipped by the S.C.D.D pound like a Silver bullet, thankfully missing it and landing at Sophie’s Dog Adoption. That was the luckiest day so far but now I had an even better day as I was officially adopted by a wonderful, caring couple.

I’ve been renamed Oliver, and so far have been a very smart and eager to learn puppy, and hopefully will make my new family as happy as they have made me.

Everybody who meets me finds it hard to believe that at barely five months old, I could of ended up on death row since I’m such a gorgeous dog. Goes to show that gorgeous puppies end up in Quebec pounds just as much as old decrepit senior dogs. That’s why Sophie always stresses the fact that a dog is for life.


I have found my Palace.

I was adopted this week and though miniature Pinschers are usually bossy, let me tell you that I ain’t no boss here! You see, my new Dad and I live with three cats who actually think they own the place.

It sure looks like they do as most of the furniture is for them. Cat beds, cat condos, scratching poles, they own toilet, so basically I’m hoping they will let me move in at least a tiny bed into their home.

There’s also a bird, but he’s more like the watchdog. So between the cats who run the house and the bird who stands guard, I really just get to lay around, play with toys, get treats, belly rubs and just enjoy life in this Palace. I’ve given myself one job, waking up my Dad by sticking my cold little nose in his ear!

Ryan & Bryan

While Sophie was having her yearly reunion and celebrating her 50th Birthday, we were being born.

We are Ryan and Bryan, two Pitbull pups born around September 12th, and at barely 8 weeks of age, we were already destined to be put down.

Just like Riana and Briana, we were to be drowned, as this seems to be the new way to get rid of unwanted or unsold puppies in this demented society humans live in.

Obviously being Pitbulls, we are cute and adorable puppies, but we will grow up to become adult Pitbulls so Sophie will be very picky once potential adopters come forward, since adopting a Pitbull is nothing like adopting a Golden Retriever, mostly because of the stigma that comes with being a Pitbull. Make sure you’re ready for that 15 year commitment before even considering making us a member of your family, we don’t want to be statistics.

Bella 4

Finally, after growing into a beautiful, charming and wonderful girl, I have found a home to call my own.

Not knowing what my breed really is, being young and very skinny when I arrived, it looked like I may grow into a Dane mix. But now that I am fully grown it’s obvious that my mix is probably with Mastiff and not Great Dane as I am short and stocky instead of tall and slanky.

Other than my new Mom and Dad I also have four wonderful young girls to share my life with who are just crazy about me. I also have a four legged sister of the feline kind to keep my on my toes.



I have won the silver prize! My name is Silver, and here is the story on how fate luckily landed me right into Sophie’s hands instead of S.C.D.D’s gas chambers.

Sophie was over there doing a little investigative work at this shady pound, after having received confirmation that all dogs who are not sold eventually get gassed to death and that they do not allow rescue groups to take us out in order to save our lives, she ran into my Mum in the parking lot who was bringing me in to this horrible place.

Sophie approached her immediately, as the give away was the bag of food and a few knick-knacks under her arm and asked her why she was bringing me in. My Mum explained that she had severe allergies, but said the pound who had assured her I would not be put down. When she heard of Sophie’s encounter with S.C.D.D staff, she instantly decided to surrender me to Sophie as she knew in her heart that fate brought us all together and I would now have a true chance at a good life.

You see I’m just a four and a half month old, gorgeous, blue eyed, merle colored Australian Shepherd. I don’t deserve to end up in the system as a statistic but rather to be loved and grow up in a wonderful home. I avoided even five minutes of this stench of a horrible pound.

Tyson 4 – In October

Whoo hoo! I’m off the Island of Montreal, enjoying the country side, the green pastures, the hills around me, the clean fresh cool air surrounding my new temporary hiding place. Sophie has not yet given up and despite the outrages amounts of money that I’m costing her, she will not let me down.

She knew that keeping me in solitary confinement in a tiny cell was driving me nuts more and more, as whenever she came for my daily outing, I was more and more hyper and excited to see her because I was getting restless. Now I can run, sniff the grass, lift my leg here and there and interact with wonderful, caring, loving people who can actually play with me and throw a ball around for me to run after and stretch them legs. I have lost a lot of muscle mass in the last 90 days and this will give me the chance to get some back.

Hopefully by the end of this month I will be back in Montreal, at Sophie’s (unless a foster home comes through) and no longer have to hide as Sophie not only promised me she would get this death sentence removed, things are actually in motion as she’s taking the City to Superior Court in order to have a Judge make a decision that will remove this power the City bullies have to kill a sweet guy like me just on the grounds that I’m a Pitbull. So I’m crossing everything I can cross and cant wait to hear from Sophie in ten days from now. If she doesn’t win this on Friday, she will need more money to keep me here until round II, even though it’s more expensive then where I was before, this like heaven compared to that.


My turn has also come. I’m now being adopted on the same day as my other sister Raynelle. Even though my name is Raylen, my foster home had nicknamed me Albert, so I’m not sure what I’ll end up being called.

My new family has kids, so that’s gonna be a lot of fun for me as well as for them since we will be growing up together. I’m already 40lbs, not yet 4 months old, so I’m pretty sure I’m growing faster then them. So they better not bully me around, cause I’m the one with some bull mastiff in my genes. And by looking at me right now, it’s obvious I take more after Dad than my tiny Mom. Oh and I’m the biggest of the family and proud to be, everyone says what a gorgeous boy.


I’m finally in my new home. I’m not sure if I will keep the name Raynelle, but I’m happy to have my own loving family and regardless of what they call me, I will love it.

I’m living on the outskirts of Montreal, in a beautiful home in what I consider the countryside.  The scenery is beautiful, the trees are colorful, the air is clean and soon it will be all white. This will be my first snow and I’m so looking forward to playing in it with my new family.


My name is Coco. I am a 4 year old Cocker Spaniel who is looking for a new home because my family had twins recently, and I really DO NOT like kids.

I am a very nervous dog, which makes me a bit of a fear biter, and with babies around, I will only get more and more nervous and anxious. I have been to many trainers, and my family was told that my character is not to be aggressive, I am just a fearful dog. I have also become the alpha male of the house, as my family spoiled me and weren’t assertive enough with me.

I was housetrained by 2 months and have never had an accident in the house. I do not chew on anything in the house, I am extremely clean in terms of doing poo and pipi outside. I am a very healthy dog, was well taken care of in terms of vet care and vaccines, I have also taken a blood test every 2 years to make sure I was healthy. I have always been fed with natural food containing no fillers, and I am used to greenies for snacks. I am little bit overweight, but very common with my breed, so I will need to keep fit by exercising and watching my diet.

I am highly trainable, and good with learning obedience commands. I know sit, lie down, go pipi, go for a walk, go outside, would you like a snack etc…

I am a wonderful, extremely smart and and very loving dog most of the time. I also a very beautiful dog, I get compliments from people all the time.

I recently went to a trainer again, and he said I will never be good with kids. I can be trained but will never be able to be trusted around kids. That is the sad reason my family has to give me up. They are very saddened, but know it is for the best of the kids.

Dale Brown

I have been given a first and last name. It’s Dale Brown! You see, I was “dropped off” in front of the Dalesville Church in Brownsburg Quebec. And when we say “dropped off” we literally mean it.

Someone drove by the Church on a Sunday, opened the car door, pushed me out and drove off. Of course I started running up the street after them, but my little legs couldn’t catch up. This nice couple who were the last to leave the Church, saw this and couldn’t believe their eyes. They came after me and picked me up before I got hit by traffic, and when they saw me up close they were shocked at the condition of my coat. It was so matted you couldn’t feel my body. It was like picking up a rolled up shaggy rug.

Not being able to reach Sophie right away they sent me to the local pound where they were told that I could only be held 72hrs but it was obvious no one claim me nor even want to “buy” me seeing my extremely neglected condition, they would have to put me down after 72hrs. This nice couple saw right away how sweet I was so made a deal to pull me back out after the 72hrs was up. Meanwhile Sophie came home, returned their phone call and made arrangements for me to go there when my time would be up. 72hrs later I was brought to Sophie’s.

She says she has seen a lot of neglected dogs in the last 15 years, but one with a “matted carpet of hair” that thick, she had never seen. She knew from the description she had been given that grooming me would take a while and had booked 2hrs at the do it your self place. She took one look at me and thought: 2hrs? Will my blade even go through this? Is this even doable?

It was, with patiences, time, caution and some darn good surgical blade, she was able to have decent results, even beyond her own expectations. I don’t know how I look but I sure feel like a new dog.

Sophie can communicate with us and we usually understand her, but I don’t speak human language “just body language” and cannot tell her what breed or mix I am. She says I look like mini version of the dog she grew up with, Monsieur, who was a Wire Haird Pointing Griffon. My face she says is identical, the body is what’s different as I’m only 22lbs have a long tail and she’s not sure what colour I will be when my hair grows out but she suspects it will be beige or gray with possibly some brown. You don’t want to know what colour I was, this bath was definitely my first. She thinks I’m between 10 to 16 months old.


Raylen… Poor little me! My sister Rayann left yesterday to go to her new home, as the family came to meet us decided to take her. It was a split vote, 2:2 but in the end the “girls” won and took home the girl. So now I’m all alone and find it hard, as unlike Raynelle who has a buddy with her, I only had Rayann. No other four-legged friends here for me to play with.

I hope to find my forever home soon as I’m getting to be a really big boy (close to 30lbs) and would love for my future family to watch me grow into a BIG beautiful boy. I’ve heard Sophie say that some of her previous puppies have taken up to one year before finding that forever home and I’m hoping to find mine before I weight 90lbs.