Category Archives: Adopted


Out with the old and in with the new. My name is Lenny and at one year of age, I’m considered the old one. You see, my family bought me in a petshop when I was a cute little fluff ball and now a cute Pitbull puppy has taken my place. I’m a little bit shy but friendly and somewhat curious. What am I? A typical Quebec puppymill mutt, by my looks we could think Lhasa Apso / Bichon Frise. But I could really be anything. I was sold as a novelty, a gadget, something to play with and nobody really cared, I was just cute and fun.

Now I also want to be loved, groomed, taken care of and be a member of my next family, not just another novelty. I have lots of potential, dogs, cats and kids I would welcome, or just a simple quiet household would be fun too. All I want is that forever home.


I’m known as Bruno, but I’m not Italian. I actually have German roots somewhere down the line. I’m a miniature Pinscher, probably mixed with Dachshund, but in reality I’m a good old Quebec dog.

My background is unknown as I was found on the streets of Downtown Montreal during the Christmas Holidays. Was I dumped, did I run away? All is sure is that no one came looking for me.

I’m about 5 years old, friendly with people, great with dogs and cats, could almost be a therapy dog, but the Min Pin in me makes me a little bouncy. I would be a great family dog but would also do well with a single person. I’m housetrained and have no issues, I’m very affectionate and cuddly and will melt your heart.


Miles is my name, but you wouldn’t want to walk in my shoes. At 4 months old I’m already walking towards a new life. I’m one of those sad souls who had a bad start. Born in a puppymill, sent to a petshop at about 4 weeks old, purchased by a family at the age of 6 weeks old and now at 4 months they’ve given up on me.

Instead of being a happy go lucky puppy, I arrived terrified of humans and everything around me. I’ve already learned to use my teeth when I’m scared, I’ve already gone hungry so I’ve got some food aggression and I haven’t yet figured out that I don’t have to poo where I sleep.

Bad puppy, you say? Not my fault I say! But I’m confident that with the right family I can learn to become a very well adjusted, well socialized, housetrained and wonderful little guy.

I’m cute, but I’m not for a novice. I don’t wanna spend my life looking for the right home, this next one has to be my forever home.


I come from Hemmingford and I’ve been named Dawg. I’m a Schnauzer mix, male, approximately 8 months old and I came out of nowhere and bolted in front of a car late one night. Not knowing what to do with me as there were no pounds, shelters nor vets open in the area they brought me back to Montreal and here I am with Sophie’s Dog Adoption. The couple who found me stopped at a groomers to have the burrs and ice chunks taken out of my hair, by the looks of me I had been wandering for a couple of days.

It turns out I’m a good boy, friendly, affectionate, get along with other dogs and pretty much housetrained. I’m a big hit and should be adopted quickly as someone has already fallen in love with me.


I have been named Bosco and by all looks of it I was dumped. I’m a male Dachshund, approximately six years old and overweight. I was found near a dog park and it was obvious I didn’t get there on my own as my nails were so curled around I could barely walk.

Attempts were made anyway in case I was lost, but no one came looking. So here I am looking for a new home. I’m good with dogs, very friendly, able to stay alone and fully house trained.

I am a gentle soul and would probably do well with kids over ten. I defiantly need to lose some weight, but otherwise I am a healthy boy.

Diesel 3

I’m from the Mastiff family and my name is Diesel 3. I’m born in December 2009 and a Cane Corso / Mastiff mix (probably English). I’m a big boy, not fully grown, a little excitable due to my young age but very gentle and friendly.

I’m presently learning some basics at school and should graduate within the next few weeks. I’ve shown that I can be mouthy but I was also brought up playing tug-of-war, which was the worst thing for a dog my size.

I’m definitely for someone experienced with my breed and will need some continued structure in order to be a fantastic dog.


Hambone’s the name and alone’s the game! You see I am now six years old and looking for my third home.

I’m a Treeing Walker Coonhound and Sophie’s Dog Adoption rescued me from Georgia (USA) in 2007 along with two other retired hunters and were nicknamed the “3 Amigos”. We all were on death’s doorstep and were lucky enough to find homes as family dogs here in Quebec.

Unfortunately for me I became a statistic as I was returned due to “life changes” for my new found family. First they separated, I went to live with him. Now the opportunity to travel came up and “he” decided I wasn’t going. You would think that “she” would take me back but claims she can’t because of “her” situation.

The really sad thing is that it was decided since September 2010 that I was being returned, and it was obvious to Sophie when I arrived that I was totally neglected for the last five months, as I was almost as skinny and starved as when I was taken off death row.

My nails were so long my toes were crooked and I had peed all over my self from being left in a cage too long. Sophie was so upset with them for doing this to me as for first two years she really thought I had found the perfect home.

It goes to show that statistics don’t lie, just like Bert, Maverick, Levi 3, we came back with in five years of being adopted.

You have to know that in those three years I became a well adjusted city dog and my only little drawback is the fact that I like to chase cats and squirrels. I’m great with all dogs, love people and gentle enough for older kids.


Bijou – Isn’t that jewelery? A year ago I was purchased like someone would purchase a necklace, I was named Bijou, paraded around like the cute little Poodle that I was, and now that I’m a year old I’m no longer a novelty.

I’m cute, friendly, petite but tall and kind funny looking. I still have my long tail and even though I was black at birth I am now a light shade of grey.

I’m very shy, quiet and make myself discreet but with the right family I should come out of my shell and become a playful little guy in no time.

All I want is love, but keep in mind that Poodles can live quite old. My dream is to have only one home for the rest of my life.

Frankie 2

I am Frankie the Yorkie. I’m a chubby, short legged, ten year old male with a tail no bigger than that of a bunny’s. One thing you can say about me is I have personality and attitude. I’m a grumpy but funny little fellow that will tug at your heart.

Because of my general disposition, I do not see my self living with kids, nor with somebody too soft. I will crack you up if you’re an experienced dog person but will scare you away if you’re not. All that to say I need an Alpha person, or we probably won’t be a good match.

Despite my age and my rolly-polly shape, I am very active and love to go for walks (which would do me a lot of good).


I’m hoping this next home will truly be my forever home. As I was originally rescued from death row at the age of two, and here we are eight years later, because of a new baby, I’m once again looking for a family to love me till the end.

Please be the one who will be there for the rest of my life. I will love to cuddle up with you, get my belly rubbed and shower you with kisses (which are more like love bites). One thing that adds to my charm is that crazy little underbite I have.

Ivory Miller

I am Ivory Miller, one of the 5 Miller Family dogs. If you hadn’t heard about us, we were 5 dogs rescued from a Puppymill who were in a terrible state of neglect. We had no clue we were dogs, and had to overcome a lot of things in order to become normal dogs.

Well I have a sister named Viviane, and both of us had been adopted together, but because we are ‘special’ dogs, our education was very different and slow, and it didn’t work out for the family to continue the education with 2 of us.

So I am back looking for a home, ideally with someone who will take my past into consideration and treat me in accordance with that and my needs, but not ‘baby’ me or feel sorry for me. I need to feel strong, secure, stable and it is with someone Alpha who will set rules that I will flourish and become a wonderful little dog.

I already am the best little thing, having no ‘baggage’, everything was to be learned. So with lots of love, positive reinforcement, structure, I can be the best friend. I prefer no little kids, as I am a mellow little girl, but I have recently learned to bark, play with other dogs like real dogs play, and I can learn some more. How to play with toys, how to enjoy a happy dog’s life!

Please give me that chance to find that forever home, I am about 2 years old and really look forward to having a permanent home like the other 4 members of my ‘family’ who are all doing wonderfully. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being in my foster home, but a forever home is what I feel I’m ready for (oh and that other picture, well that’s how I arrived from the mill!).

Luna 3

My name is Luna 3, and I am another victim of a fraudulent group who pretends to be a dog rescue organization. They did pull me off death row from the pound, I have to thank them for that, but I almost ended up right back at a pound if Sophie had not been able to take me in.

You see, this group preys on peoples’ emotions to get us out, but since they don’t know anything about us, they plop us with anyone whose heart goes out to us, people who want to ‘help’ but not necessarily adopt us, and we end up stuck with the wrong families for different reasons.

So here I am, looking for a home that will in fact be the right one for me, and for whom I will be the right dog. I do have some issues, my past is unknown, but Sophie thinks I have been a puppymill or backyard breeder dog who was eventually ‘discarded’. I had many trust issues, lots of anxiety, very nervous and stressed, and even though a lot of time, effort and patience has been put in working with me, I still need work.

So I am looking for a home who will know Terriers, who will have experience with rescued dogs, and who will be knowledgeable enough to really work with me to become a true, well-adjusted little girl.

I am about 4-5 years old, and look a lot like a Norwich Terrier, but taller. So I am most definitely a mix, and maybe not at all from Norwich! I have wiry hair, and do shed.

It’s time for me to stop going from ‘life to life’ and settle down with a true, forever family for the rest of my natural life.


My name is Brigitte, and I have a sad story despite my young age of barely 18 months. I somehow ended up at the vet to be euthanized, just ‘because’. It seems I lived with 2 senior ladies (very senior), one with Alzheimer, one affected with Senility, and the older one was hurting me. So the younger sister, brought me to the vet to have me euthanized, in order to save me from being hurt.

So….. here I am, at Sophie’s Dog Adoption. I am very sweet, even though a little skittish, have taken a liking to her adult son, so guys are more my thing. I am very stressed around senior ladies (no offense to anyone), but I can certainly learn to come around and be trusting with time, patience and love.

I am a little anxious still, so a bit whiny at times, but not a barky dog. I am getting along with all the dogs here, small, big, pitbull, dominant, submissive, I just walk away from the ones I don’t care to be around.

I am clean, don’t chew stuff up, bark at the door, but not at everything I hear, and am learning to be crate-trained as I feel safe and secure in my little space.


My name is Honey, and I came to Sophie’s Dog Adoption with probably another ‘phoney’ story.  I was supposedly being kicked by a young man, and a young girl walking down the street saw this, saw me run towards her, grabbed me and continued… Hmmm… That sounds all nice, but not very convincing when you look more  into it…..

So for two weeks I lived with a young girl who ‘saved’ me, but the got fed up and called Sophie to take me in, which she understood I had justs been ‘rescued’ from the street…. Hmmmm..

She named me Honey, and I am really a sweet girl.  I am about 4 months old, maybe Rottie or Dobie, with some Shepherd, maybe Bernese, it’s hard to say.  Shepherd feet, Rottie face, white patch on my chest, what Sophie calls a 100% pure mutt!

I know my name, know how to sit, am learning not to jump in the bowl of food/water, in other words, learning some good manners.  I am getting the hang of housetraining, but will need some positive reinforcement to really get it.


My name is Tyler, I’m a Pitbull puppy, born around mid November 2010, and by the age of five weeks was taken away and put in a new home. That didn’t last very long as two weeks later I was already looking for another home.

I’m a male, obviously Pitbull mix, but not sure with what. Of course I’m all cute, fun and adorable, but there is a devil side to me because I really didn’t start off with the right socialization.

Presently I’m getting some basic education at a school so that I can be well behaved when I start my new life.

Puppies are a challenge, and Pitbulls have a stigma, so if you want to adopt me be ready to fully commit. I do not want to be a statistic who is returned after a couple of years.


I am Bello!  The cutest little 8 week old pup you’ve ever seen, one blue eye, one brown eye.  I am a Rotweiller/Husky mix, and this is my story:  Someone irresponsible guy  had a female Husky (Mom), she met a Rotweiller (Dad) and got pregnant. 7 Puppies later and barely 6 weeks old, we ‘had to go’… So the guy’s friend took me, for his friend.  Now keep in mind this guy is young.  Doing a good thing, helping the other guy place the unplanned, unexpected puppies.

So he takes me to his friend, this friend keeps me 24 hours, and shows up on his doorstep the next day to say ‘I’m not cut out for a puppy – here, take him back’.  So now the second guy is stuck with me, can’t take me back to the first guy as we ‘had to go’ – I’m no longer his responsibility….

So the second guy pleads with his parents to keep me while I find a home, but this is Mom’s third time around, she knows you don’t just place a puppy like that, this is not the first time the son brings home a pup!

So after trying to see what the best thing for me would be, she somehow heard of Sophie’s Dog Adoption and decided this was my best option.  So I am now looking for that responsible, committed, loving family who will take me in and raise me well, give me everything I need to ensure my well-being and make me a part of their family for the next 10-15 years.

At this young age, there is not much to say other than I am very cute.  But cute isn’t all you need to see to ensure a happy lifetime for  us together.  I will be going through all the stages of puppyhood, and due to my breed mix, I can easily become a ‘bad’ dog if all you do is see how ‘cute’ I am.


My name is Hubert, and I am a gorgeous, 4 year old Grand Duke Basset Hound.  I am a big boy, not overweight, but a big frame, weighing in at 62 lbs. I am very mellow, sweet, friendly, and a real gem.  However, don’t leave an open door or take me off leash, as I sure can run!  You wouldn’t think that from my short legs, but boy can I go!

I was to be ‘euthanized’ because suddenly at the age of 4, I ‘growled’ at the 14 year old daughter of the house.  Dad said it was unacceptable and that I had to be put down.  Seriously, I don’t even remember growling at her, and if I did, she probably bugged me!

So a young lady rescued me (she has a soft spot for Bassets), but knowing she could not add me to her existing pack, she called Sophie and here I am.  The one thing she’s hoping and would love is to be able to find out where I go, so I’m asking the family/person who adopts me to please let this young girl be in touch with you, as without her, I would in fact have been euthanized.

So far I have proven to be wonderful, nobody can believe I actually growled at anyone, let alone a family member, however I am not a ‘playful’ dog, so little kids might not be my cup of tea.

I had gums that had overgrown on my teeth, as well as a bad case of gum disease, so I’ve been all taken care of thanks to this wonderful young girl and her family, and I am ready to find a new home.  I have been neutered, had gum surgery and teeth cleaning and have a clean bill of health.  Blood tests, urine analysis, stool analysis, all that could be done was done to ensure I am healthy.

I do have a condition called Interdigital Furunculosis ( between my toes, which is being treated now, but may be recurring, or I may be prone to this due to my very deep and big toes.  This may require ‘foot baths’ with Epson salt on a regular basis, but is very treatable and preventable.  Don’t let that scare you!

I hope to find a forever family, at 4 years of age I have quite a few years left and don’t want to bounce around from family to family.  So please, do the research about Bassets before you even contact Sophie.

Chico 5

My name is Chico 5, and this is my story.  I am a little over 4 years old, and was given up because I was pretty much running the house.   I lived with teens, and had even started biting them when things didn’t go my way.  My game was showing my teeth, growling, and trying to bite (sometimes succeeding) everyone who even looked at me, let alone touch me.

So the only rescue who agreed to take a little devil like me was Sophie’s Dog Adoption. She already knew I would need some serious ‘boot camp’ restructuring, and she was right.  I am a truly charming, wonderful, loving little dude, but I will test my limits.

I also came to Sophie in such a state of neglect, that was reason alone to bite.  It took her 5 hours of grooming spread over 2 days.  I had a thickness of matted undercoat at least 2 inches.  She literally had to shave me down with a surgical blade as nothing would go through that.  My ears were sticking out to the side they were so thick from matted hair.

Now that I am shaved like a rat (she left me some bangs and somewhat of a tail), I am a whole new dude.  I didn’t even know I had ears, now that they ‘flop’, they actually bug me and I’ve tried to shake them off.  Sophie says it is sad to see this, she sees it way too often.

But now I am in Heaven.  Being structured, trained, socialized with dogs, cats, and getting to learn that I am no longer King of the Castle, no longer Boss, I am the little Chico who needs to respect humans.  And I am proving to be a great student.

Obviously I could revert to my old ways, so someone very alpha and/or experienced with devils like me is the only way to go.  Ideally no kids, or very experienced one as well, not too young, but other than that pretty much any kind of loving, structured, active family would be great for me.

I have proven to be clean in the house, not destructive, don’t have separation anxiety and we’re working on the barking.  I’m hoping for a home before I have to change foster homes, as I am in a very temporary place right now while doing the major training work!

Maya 4

My name is Maya 4, and my story is one of absolute luck and fate! I was being brought in at the Vet’s office by an ‘acquaintance’ to be euthanized as I ‘may have cancer’, and Sophie was there!

She noticed me the minute I walked through the door as I have very special Pug eyes (big and googly!). She started talking to the man bringing me in about my funny looking face, and was told I was here to be put down! After talking to the guy for a while, Sophie and him decided I was going to live despite what my family wanted. So he called my family and explained I was being rescued, and off I went.

Sophie called my family, no one had even taken me to a vet. There is no cancer, just some bladder stones which are causing some bleeding in the urine. I’m on meds, special food, and in a month we’ll see where we stand and Sophie will have me operated on if need be!

Seriously! I love life, I’m absolutely gorgeous, funny looking, have a beautiful coat, and a wonderful personality.

If you are looking for a 40 lb (I need to lose a few pounds), mellow, affectionate Cocker Spaniel, than I’m the one you’ve been waiting for!

Rocky 4

Rocky 4, that’s me! They say I’m a Boston Terrier but Sophie thinks I may be mixed. I have blue eyes and my face is totally white. Maybe some Frenchie?

I’m about two years old and quite high energy, which is why I’m already on at least my third home at such a young age. I still need to get neutered, which will be done soon, and hopefully that will settle me down a little bit. Right now I’m very annoying to other dogs as I want to dominate everyone, a lot of it is hormonal.

I’m good with cats, even though curious, but could learn to live with them as I’ve been exposed to many.


They call me Mikko! But they should call me Little Devil. Cute as a button, a face to make you melt but a personality that wants to rip you apart. What am I you ask? A Boston Terrier puppy who’s not even four months old, but I had a bad start.

I was purchased on the Internet by a young couple who believed they were going to a breeder. But as is the norm in Quebec “breeders” get rid of us as soon as we eat solid food, which is five weeks old.

So here I was separated from my Mom, Dad and siblings and went to my new home where it didn’t take long that I became the boss. Being as cute as I am they just couldn’t “discipline” so they hired some trainers, two of them, and neither one knew anything about how to raise an orphan puppy.